Hello All,
I am currently working on a project on effects on antibiotics and hypoglycemia. I wrote the following code to generate a fisher plot for Hypoglycemia and antibiotics and other variables. The code given below worked completely fine and generated a table of odds ratios with confidence intervals and the corresponding Fisher Plot for the same.
Now my question is I want to have another dependent variable besides HYPOGLYCEMIA. The other DEPENDENT variable is Severe Hypoglycemia and is also a 1/0 response like hypoglycemia.
How do I modify the below code to get a fisher plot and odds ratios for both hypoglycemia and severe hypoglycemia on 1 plot? Is this doable? please help .. so basically the fisher plot would have two sets of odds ratios on it one for hypoglycemia and one for the other dv which is severe hypoglycemia..
Idk do I just do model hypoglycemia severe hypoglycemia = ... and leave everything else the same but I don't think that would work..
Below is the cod ethat worked for just hypoglycemia alone:
ods output "Odds Ratios"=orci;
proc logistic data=data5 descending;
class Antibiotics (ref="0") GenderCode (ref="F") RenalDisease (ref="No") LiverFailure (ref="No") Caucasian (ref="0") AfricanAmerican (ref="0") Asian (Ref="0") OtherRace (Ref="0") Underweight (ref="0") Normalweight(ref="0") Obese (ref="0")
TPN (ref="No") TubeFeed (ref="No") Regulardiet (Ref="0") NPO (ref="No") sepsis (ref="No") UTI (ref="No") Cellulitis (ref="No") pneumonia (ref="No") ;
Model hypoglycemia= Antibiotics GenderCode RenalDisease LiverFailure Caucasian AfricanAmerican Asian OtherRace Underweight NormalWeight Obese TPN TubeFeed RegularDiet NPO Sepsis UTI Cellulitis Pneumonia;
where HistoryofDiabetes="No";
data orci;set orci;
title "SGPLOT: Forest Plot";
proc sgplot data=orci;
scatter x=oddsratioest y=effect / xerrorlower=lowercl
(symbol=DiamondFilled size=8);
refline 1 / axis=x;