You will have to read the data to see if the values are there.
If the datasets all have the same variables then you can read them all in one data step.
You can use the INDSNAME= option of the SET statement to know which dataset the current observation comes from.
So use a data step like this to read all of the data and keep the names of the datasets that have observations that match your criteria.
data want;
length dsname indsname $41 ;
set dataset1-dataset50 indsname=indsname ;
where x='c';
if dsname ne lag(dsname) then output;
keep dsname;
The only trouble you might have is getting the list of names into the SET statement if the names are not as simple as that. In that case you might want to get the list into a macro variable.
For example if you want all of the datasets in the libref MYLIB that have a variable named X then the code might look like this instead:
proc sql noprint;
select distinct catx('.',libname,memname)
into :memlist separated by ' '
from dictionary.columns
where libname='MYLIB' and upcase(name)='X'
data want;
length dsname indsname $41 ;
set &memlist indsname=indsname ;
where x='c';
if dsname ne lag(dsname) then output;
keep dsname;
If the datasets might have conflicts for some other variable types (Variables other than X, for example say Y is character in DATASET1 and numeric in DATASET2) then you will want to add a KEEP= dataset option to each dataset.