Hello @Jimy85 and welcome to the SAS Support Communities!
Your raw data columns are separated by tab characters ('09'x), but your INPUT statement expects blanks. You can adapt the code by adding an INFILE statement to the DATA step (before the INPUT statement) specifying the delimiter (DLM='09'x):
infile cards dsd dlm='09'x;
(The DSD option is not necessary for your example data, but can be useful in case of missing values.)
A secondary issue is the dataset name "RESPONSE SURFACE FOR PROTEASE ACTIVITY", which is more than 32 characters long and contains blanks. This would be interpreted as five separate names and create five identical datasets. Use a shorter name and replace blanks with underscores. (Remember the name length restriction to 8 characters in SAS 6.12. Now it's 32.)
Ideally, specify this name also in the procedure call (proc rsreg data=...).