hello guys, this is my first time writing a program and using SAS, so I need a help.
I will create GDP trends graph 2000-2022, but the Y-axis scale just follows the GDP point.
I wanna adjust Y-Axis (0-1400 interval 100) and the X-axis followed by every single year (not every 10 years).
proc sgplot data=gdpIndonesia;
title "Indonesia Nominal GDP Trends 2000-2022";
series x=Year y=GDP_Nominal/markers curvelabel curvelabelattrs=(size=12pt)
curvelabelpos=max curvelabelloc=outside
lineattrs=(thickness=2pt) markers markerattrs=(size=6)
datalabel datalabelattrs=(size=10pt);
yaxis label='Nominal GDP (in billions USD)';
footnote j=L "GDP Deflator base 2015" ;
footnote2 j=L " " ;