Essentially this means you want the parts that have a single program name.
Or at least that's what it seems but your output doesn't match your description. Part 1 is in Program 1 and Program 3? I thought you may want the opposite but the P005 is in Program 4/5 and you have it included for Program4.
The output can contain the same part number within a program but not in any other program.
In general, this is how you do something like this though:
proc sql;
create table want as
select * from have where part in (
select part
from have
group by part
having count(distinct pname)=1);
@subhroster wrote:
I have two columns in a table, Program name and Part numbers. I need to find out the part numbers which are unique to a program Name. The output can contain the same part number within a program but not in any other program.
Here is the dataset.
data have;
input pname $ part $;
program1 001
program2 002
program3 001
program3 004
program4 005
program4 005
program5 005

Want this