Hi everyone, sorry if this is a bit basic, but I'm looking for some help with visualizing/plotting my data. I have a mixed model with one between-subjects variable (group) and two repeated measures variables (sz2Y sz4Y sz8Y / sz2N sz4N sz8N). The data show response time in milliseconds. The grouping variable is employee group... inspectors at either the NSA or TSA. The repeated measures variables are divided up by condition. Inspectors were required to detect a weapon in 3 different search conditions, involving 2, 4, or 8 items. In the "Y" condition inspectors one weapon was present. In the "N" condition no weapon was present. Here's the code I have so far. I would appreciate any help, thanks.
data a1;
input #1 subj group sz2Y sz4Y sz8Y sz2N sz4N sz8N;
1 1 600 640 640 710 730 730
2 1 580 620 630 715 730 720
3 1 610 650 680 710 740 740
4 1 620 640 690 700 750 690
5 1 630 650 690 690 700 690
6 2 700 760 910 940 940 940
7 2 720 780 900 930 920 930
8 2 710 760 890 910 940 950
9 2 710 770 900 900 920 950
10 2 710 770 900 900 920 950
title "Response Time Comparison Between NSA and TSA Employees";
proc means data = HW4;
by group;
proc glm data = HW4;
class group;
model sz2Y sz4Y sz8Y sz2N sz4N sz8N = group/nouni;
repeated resptyp 2, setsiz 3 /summary;
data NSA;
set a1;
if group =1 then output;
data TSA;
set a1;
if group =2 then output;