In attached Forest plot, I need to draw an Arrow for the Diabetes "Yes" record since it reaches the value 2. I'm using template to draw this forest plot. Could you please guide me with the options.
This is the template which is used to draw that HR & CI part.
layout overlay/ walldisplay=none xaxisopts=(display=none
linearopts=(viewmin=0 viewmax=25) offsetmin=0);
%let refbandattrs=lineattrs=(thickness=7 color=_bandcolor);
referenceline y=ref/ &refbandattrs;
highlowplot y=obsid low=zero high=zero/highlabel=heading lineattrs=(thickness=0)
labelattrs=(size=7 weight=bold) ;
highlowplot y=obsid low=zero high=one /highlabel=col8 lineattrs=(thickness=0)