Hi Tom,
Thank you for your answer. The %findcut macro is used to identify a cutpoint when the outcome of interest was measured as time to event (survival). Thus, the macro was written to implement outcome oriented methods proposed by Contal and O’Quigley (1999), which is based on the log rank test statistic. More information on it is available here:
http://www.sascommunity.org/mwiki/images/0/01/Findcut_Final_Paper.pdfI am trying to use this macro in order to determine a cutpoint for a continuous variable and I have the event (outcome) and time to event variables.
The basic code for the macro is:
http://bioinformaticstools.mayo.edu/research/findcut/ (SAS macro download)
%findcut (ds= , time= , stat= , cutvar= , maxtime=, printop=, residop=, plottype=);
This macro finds a cutpoint for a continuous variable with a time to event outcome.
ds = name of the dataset
time = variable containing the time to event information
stat = the status or event indicator, for example, 1=event or 0=no event
cutvar = the continuous variable for which the cutpoint is to be determined
Optional Parameters:
maxtime = Time point (in days) to get % survival, default is 182.5 days (i.e. 6 months)
printop = basic summary statistics. 0 is default.
1=proc univariate on a continuous cutvar
2=proc freq on a ordinal cutvar
0=No print
residop = Requests martingale residual plot.
0=No Martingale residual plot
1=plot Martingale residual plot
plottype = Requests the minimum p-value and the maximum hazard ratio plots. 1 is default
0 = No plot
1=prints to the greenbar printer
2=prints to the Unix laser printer
(Note: This option may not be relevant for users outside of Mayo)
I am absolutely new to SAS and I am trying to use SAS Studio to run this analyses. When I fill the macro spaces with the info from my dataset and variables and run it, nothing happens and I get no results.
Thank you so much!