in message libref EXL was successfully assigned but it is now showing excel sheet in library.
libname ExL xlsx 'C:\Users\Wajeeha Bilal\Desktop\T2_YARD.XLSX';What is your question?
my question is i could not find excel sheet in library
dear can anyone help on this.
how can i see my sheet as dataset in SAS library.
there is no error no warnings in notes also showing successfully assigned.
please let me know what i have to do any other option to make dataset from excel.
The library name EXL must be used.
To use a particular sheet, let's say its name is SHEET1, the in SAS you must call it EXL.SHEET1.
For example
proc print data=exl.sheet1(obs=10);
Which kind of SAS installation do you use?
i am new and i installed below version
University Edition?
Looks like your screen shot is from SAS/Studio. So in that left hand panel open the Server Files and Folders view and find the file you want to read. Right click and open the Properties for the file. On that pop-up screen should be the location or path for the file. Copy that and use it in your LIBNAME statement.
University Edition is a "miniaturized" Business Intelligence (BI) server in a virtual machine running on Linux. It does not have access to your Windows disk drive(s), only to the shared folder you set up when you imported the VM into your virtualization software (Virtualbox or VMPlayer). You address the shared folder (if you followed the instructions correctly) as /folders/myfolders from within the VM.
Store your xlsx file in the Windows location of the shared folder, and use the correct Linux path in your SAS code. Keep in mind that Linux (like all UNIX systems) is case sensitive, so spelling is critical.
Dear ,
i did in VM as below and i put my excel file in same folder.
now what i have to do to load my excel file in SAS share folder.
In your screen shot the UNIX folder name is on the left and the WINDOWS folder name is on the right.
In your SAS code you need to use the UNIX path for the file. Not the WINDOWS path.
So if your file on WINDOWS is <windows path>\filename then your SAS session will see the file at <unix path>/filename.
In SAS University edition the <unix path> is ALWAYS /folders/myfolders
You put your file (using Windows Explorer) in
and find it in UE as
Just because the LIBNAME statement works it does NOT mean that the request XLSX file was actually found.
SAS does not know whether you are trying to access and existing file or create a new file.
Check the name of the file.
i put in code window as below;
libname Yard XLSX 'C:\Windows\SAS\SASUniversityEdition\myfolders\T2_YARD.XLSX';
after that
it is not showing excel sheet data could you let me know what is going wrong.
is it due to university edition?
You do not (I repeat: NOT) use the Windows path, you have to use the UNIX path!!!!
No C:\something, /folders/myfolders!!!
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