I have run proc nlmixed to run "marginalized
random-effects model" and faced to this error:
"ERROR: Dependent variable is not in the input data set"
I checked my data and variables. But i could not find out what is the problem.
SAS does not accept my Dependent variable or any other kind of variable as Dependent variable!
I tried on my variables in different models and i could take response.
Is there any one to help me?
When you get an error it is best to copy from the log the procedure code and any messages from the log and paste the copied text into a code box opened on the forum with the {I} icon. The code box is important to preserve formatting of error messages and the main message windows on this forum will reformat text.
Check your MODEL statement. The first thing after model should be a variable in the data. You may have a subtle type like Var0 instead of VarO (zero vs capital O) or similar.
Also check the name of the data set you are using. Perhaps you added the dependent to a new data set, but the PROC still uses the old data set.
Repeating what @ballardw said
"copy from the log the procedure code and any messages from the log and paste the copied text into a code box opened on the forum with the {I} icon."
we need to see the CODE you used (as shown in the log) and the ERROR messages in the log, in other words the entire log for this PROC, pasted into the {i} window.
We probably also need to see the PROC CONTENTS output of the data set you are using for this NLMIXED. (Copy and paste into a new {i} window)
Dear PaigeMiller,
Thanks for your response.
I sent all procedure in the last post.
Please let me know if you have any idea to solve this error.
@mahdiamah wrote:
Dear ballardw and Astounding
Thank you for your attentions.
I opened and copied all variables from my data to the model. The data set is correct too.I even tried for other responses. But the error is still the same.
{NOTE: The parameter repeat is assigned the default starting value of 1.0, because it is not
assigned an initial value with the PARMS statement.
WARNING: Parameter group_a is in the input data set.
WARNING: Parameter Time_num is in the input data set.
WARNING: Parameter group_b is in the input data set.
WARNING: Parameter Time_num is in the input data set.
ERROR: Dependent variable is not in the input data set.
NOTE: The SAS System stopped processing this step because of errors.
NOTE: PROCEDURE NLMIXED used (Total process time):
real time 0.05 seconds
cpu time 0.04 seconds
Here is an example of what I mean by "copy from the log" and paste into code box opened with the {I}
908 proc nlmixed data=work.theoph; 909 parms beta1=-3.22 beta2=0.47 beta3=-2.45 910 s2b1 =0.03 cb12 =0 s2b2 =0.4 s2=0.5; 911 cl = exp(beta1 + b1); 912 ka = exp(beta2 + b2); 913 ke = exp(beta3); 914 pred = dose*ke*ka*(exp(-ke*time)-exp(-ka*time))/cl/(ka-ke); 915 model conc ~ normal(pred,s2); 916 random b1 b2 ~ normal([0,0],[s2b1,cb12,s2b2]) subject=subject; 917 run; ERROR: QUANEW Optimization cannot be completed. NOTE: Optimization routine cannot improve the function value. NOTE: The SAS System stopped processing this step because of errors. NOTE: PROCEDURE NLMIXED used (Total process time): real time 2.38 seconds cpu time 2.00 seconds
This Error is likely because the example data set used is limited in content. Put please notice that the entire procedure is present from the Proc to the Run statement. That way it is easy to see every single option used.
If I change the spelling of the variable on the Model statement:
918 proc nlmixed data=work.theoph; 919 parms beta1=-3.22 beta2=0.47 beta3=-2.45 920 s2b1 =0.03 cb12 =0 s2b2 =0.4 s2=0.5; 921 cl = exp(beta1 + b1); 922 ka = exp(beta2 + b2); 923 ke = exp(beta3); 924 pred = dose*ke*ka*(exp(-ke*time)-exp(-ka*time))/cl/(ka-ke); 925 model conco ~ normal(pred,s2); 926 random b1 b2 ~ normal([0,0],[s2b1,cb12,s2b2]) subject=subject; 927 run; ERROR: Dependent variable is not in the input data set. NOTE: The SAS System stopped processing this step because of errors. NOTE: PROCEDURE NLMIXED used (Total process time): real time 0.01 seconds cpu time 0.00 seconds
Which shows the exact same error you claim to be getting. I know the set used in my example Nlmixed code does not have a variable named Conco so the error is not unexpected. This is why I strongly suspect either you have a typo for the variable on the model statement or possibly are using an incorrect data set.
If I run Proc Contents on the dataset used in the Proc Nlmixed data= such as
proc contents data=work.theoph; run;
Part of the output looks like:
Alphabetic List of Variables and Attributes # Variable Type Len 3 conc Num 8 4 dose Num 8 1 subject Num 8 2 time Num 8 5 wt Num 8
Where in my case it is very easy to see that the variable name is not conco.
Which is why @PaigeMiller suggesting showing us the result of Proc contents on the data set used in Proc Nlmixed along with the code with messages from the log.
Dear ballardw
Thank you for your response.
{proc nlmixed data=new qpoints=50 maxiter=1000;
parms a1=-1.35 a2=-0.74 Time_a=-0.02 group_a=0.09 cs_a=0.97 LAS_a=-0.29
b1=-6.67 b2=-2.58 Time_b=-0.03 group_b=0.76 cs_b=0.21 LAS_b=0.03
s1=0.35 s2=0.5 s12=0.1;
*y1 = HH;
if j in (1,2,3,4,5,6,7)then do;
eta1 = group_a*Time_a + cs_a*cs_a + LAS_a*LAS_a;
delta11= sqrt(1+s1**2) * PROBIT( exp(a1+eta1)/(1+exp(a1+eta1)));
delta12= sqrt(1+s1**2) * PROBIT( exp(a2+eta1)/(1+exp(a2+eta1)));
if ordinal=1 then do;
lik= probnorm (delta11+u1);
if ordinal=2 then do;
lik= 1- probnorm (delta12+u1);
if (lik > 1e-10) then loglik = log(lik);
else loglik = 1e100;
*y2 = LL;
if j in (1,2,3,4,5,6,7)then do;
eta2 = group_b*Time_b + cs_b*cs_b + LAS_b*LAS_b;
delta21 = sqrt(1+s2**2) * PROBIT( exp(b1+eta2)/(1+exp(b1+eta2)));
delta22 = sqrt(1+s2**2) * PROBIT( exp(b2+eta2)/(1+exp(b2+eta2)));
if ordinal=1 then do;
lik = PROBNORM(delta21+u2);
if ordinal=1 then do;
lik= 1- probnorm (delta22+u2);
if (lik > 1e-10) then loglik = log(lik);
else loglik = 1e100;
model ordinal ~ general(loglik);
random u1 u2 ~ normal ([0,0] , [s1**2,s12,s2**2]) subject=id;
estimate "Rho" s12/(s1*s2);
{NOTE: The parameter j is assigned the default starting value of 1.0, because it is not
assigned an initial value with the PARMS statement.
WARNING: Parameter Time_a is in the input data set.
WARNING: Parameter group_a is in the input data set.
WARNING: Parameter cs_a is in the input data set.
WARNING: Parameter LAS_a is in the input data set.
WARNING: Parameter Time_b is in the input data set.
WARNING: Parameter group_b is in the input data set.
WARNING: Parameter cs_b is in the input data set.
WARNING: Parameter LAS_b is in the input data set.
ERROR: Dependent variable is not in the input data set.
NOTE: The SAS System stopped processing this step because of errors.
NOTE: PROCEDURE NLMIXED used (Total process time):
real time 1.10 seconds
cpu time 0.12 seconds}
HH | Num | 8 | HH. | HH |
LAS_a | Num | 8 | F12. | LAS_a |
LAS_b | Num | 8 | F8.2 | LAS_b |
LL | Num | 8 | LL. | LL |
Time_a | Num | 8 | F8.2 | Time_a |
Time_b | Num | 8 | F8.2 | Time_b |
cs_a | Num | 8 | F12. | cs_a |
cs_b | Num | 8 | F8.2 | cs_b |
group_a | Num | 8 | GROUP_AA. | group_a |
group_b | Num | 8 | GROUP_BA. | group_b |
id | Num | 8 | F8.2 | id |
I look forward to your reply
@mahdiamah wrote:
Dear ballardw
Thank you for your response.
{proc nlmixed data=new qpoints=50 maxiter=1000;
parms a1=-1.35 a2=-0.74 Time_a=-0.02 group_a=0.09 cs_a=0.97 LAS_a=-0.29
b1=-6.67 b2=-2.58 Time_b=-0.03 group_b=0.76 cs_b=0.21 LAS_b=0.03
s1=0.35 s2=0.5 s12=0.1;
*y1 = HH;
if j in (1,2,3,4,5,6,7)then do;
eta1 = group_a*Time_a + cs_a*cs_a + LAS_a*LAS_a;
delta11= sqrt(1+s1**2) * PROBIT( exp(a1+eta1)/(1+exp(a1+eta1)));
delta12= sqrt(1+s1**2) * PROBIT( exp(a2+eta1)/(1+exp(a2+eta1)));
if ordinal=1 then do;
lik= probnorm (delta11+u1);
if ordinal=2 then do;
lik= 1- probnorm (delta12+u1);
if (lik > 1e-10) then loglik = log(lik);
else loglik = 1e100;
*y2 = LL;
if j in (1,2,3,4,5,6,7)then do;
eta2 = group_b*Time_b + cs_b*cs_b + LAS_b*LAS_b;
delta21 = sqrt(1+s2**2) * PROBIT( exp(b1+eta2)/(1+exp(b1+eta2)));
delta22 = sqrt(1+s2**2) * PROBIT( exp(b2+eta2)/(1+exp(b2+eta2)));
if ordinal=1 then do;
lik = PROBNORM(delta21+u2);
if ordinal=1 then do;
lik= 1- probnorm (delta22+u2);
if (lik > 1e-10) then loglik = log(lik);
else loglik = 1e100;
model ordinal ~ general(loglik);
random u1 u2 ~ normal ([0,0] , [s1**2,s12,s2**2]) subject=id;
estimate "Rho" s12/(s1*s2);
{NOTE: The parameter j is assigned the default starting value of 1.0, because it is not
assigned an initial value with the PARMS statement.
WARNING: Parameter Time_a is in the input data set.
WARNING: Parameter group_a is in the input data set.
WARNING: Parameter cs_a is in the input data set.
WARNING: Parameter LAS_a is in the input data set.
WARNING: Parameter Time_b is in the input data set.
WARNING: Parameter group_b is in the input data set.
WARNING: Parameter cs_b is in the input data set.
WARNING: Parameter LAS_b is in the input data set.
ERROR: Dependent variable is not in the input data set.
NOTE: The SAS System stopped processing this step because of errors.
NOTE: PROCEDURE NLMIXED used (Total process time):
real time 1.10 seconds
cpu time 0.12 seconds}
Alphabetic List of Variables and Attributes# Variable Type Len Format Label9238101145671
HH Num 8 HH. HH LAS_a Num 8 F12. LAS_a LAS_b Num 8 F8.2 LAS_b LL Num 8 LL. LL Time_a Num 8 F8.2 Time_a Time_b Num 8 F8.2 Time_b cs_a Num 8 F12. cs_a cs_b Num 8 F8.2 cs_b group_a Num 8 GROUP_AA. group_a group_b Num 8 GROUP_BA. group_b id Num 8 F8.2 id
I look forward to your reply
Ordinal as used in the MODEL statement must be a variable in the data set.
The Proc Contents does not show a variable Ordinal. Hence the error message.
Extracted from the Nlmixed Model statement documentation:
You must specify a single dependent variable from the input data set, a tilde ~, and then a distribution with its parameters.
my emphasis added.
Dear ballardw,
I am very thankful for your help.
Since my response is ordinal,how can i change the type of my variables?
Data entry was done in SPSS software. Is there any way to change variable type in SAS or other software?
@mahdiamah wrote:
Dear ballardw,
I am very thankful for your help.
Since my response is ordinal,how can i change the type of my variables?
Data entry was done in SPSS software. Is there any way to change variable type in SAS or other software?
Typically the SAS modeling procedures have a value you supply as a dependent variable along with independent variables and you are attempting to fit parameters with those independent variables that give you the "best" approach to approximating the dependent values.
So if you don't have any actual dependent value what are you modeling??? There isn't a question of "change variable type" as you haven't identified any variable that may need to change type (I don't think that is needed). I would expect a variable on the Model statement to possibly indicate the number of successful trials of attempts, or a measurement value under different conditions or some similar "result".
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