I am having trouble figuring out why the code is not creating a libname. This is the code that was given to us by the professor.
title1 "Part 2, Question 4";
/* Create a library called HEARTLIB. USER MUST SPECIFY the folder path below where the MYHEART dataset is to be stored, it will be different than this path */
libname heartlib "/home/u63427874/HeartLib";
data heartlib.myheart;
set heart2;
if nmiss(ageatstart, cholesterol, diastolic, Height, MRW, Smoking, Systolic,
Weight) = 0 and
cmiss(bp_status, chol_statusnew, smoking_statusnew, weight_statusnew) = 0 then output;
proc freq data=heartlib.myheart;
tables _character_ / missing;
proc means data=heartlib.myheart nmiss;
var _numeric_;