@marleeakerson wrote:
Is it possible to add longitude and latitude to a sas table if we have the address and zipcode?
Trying to make a map in Tableau (which needs long and lat as opposed to just street address) but first I need to make the dataset in SAS.
Thank you!
Search for GEOCODING
Possible but depending on your assets it may not be "easy".
SAS provides a Proc Geocode that is part of SAS/Graph. If you have access to this procedure there is an example in the documentation of street level geocoding of addresses using some SAS supplied TIGER street data. Caution: you may need to update that file from the SAS website as streets are constantly added and the version supplied with your SAS install may be out of date.
If you don't have SAS/Graph (or Proc Geocode and the associated SASHELP library data sets) you may have to decide how much $$$ is available for either adding licenses or other options.
How many addresses do you need to geocode? There may be some options for doing small numbers free using other tools.