You need to provide a somewhat better example as I am not sure from your description what the result for the 3rd row of the modified ID 001 data below. Or Explicitly state that there will not be gaps (or overlaps) in the dates of the sequences.
ID Start Stop
001 01JAN2013 31JAN2013
001 01FEB2013 31DEC2013
001 01MAY2014 30JUN2014
002 01MAR2013 31DC2013
003 01JAN2013 31DEC2013
What I understand to this point:
/* assumes data is sorted by ID and start as implied*/
data want;
set have;
by id;
retain start_flag;
ls = lag(stop);
Difdate = start- ls;
if then do;
else if difdate=1 then do;
end_flag = start_flag+1;
Else do;
/* this would be for gaps in the sequence*/
drop ls difdate;
When you have By group processing in a data step SAS creates automatic variables that indicate whether a particular observation is the First or Last of the by group. These are 1/0 (True/False) variables that are accessed with the First. and Last. construct as shown. This allows setting things at breaks in the data such as your Id changes.
The LAG function pulls a value from a preceding observation (if done properly, best not in IF type constructs). Retain keeps the value of a variable across data step iterations and is often used for a accumulator or sequencing variables like your Start_flag.
A style point for naming variables: If you have variables named Start and Stop and then Start_flag, it would make a lot more sense to have a Stop_flag then an End_flag for the variable name. Then the connection when you read the code a year later makes more sense.