I'm trying to use SAS Add-in for Excel with a stored process having one input parameter. My customer would like the ability to enter multiple input parameters at a time (i.e. copy and paste 30 SSNs at once instead of entering one at a time with the input parameter box).
I discovered that I can use the instream feature with the stored process. I've got it set up so that the add-in allows me to select the list of SSNs - but then this error arises:
WARNING: Apparent symbolic reference SSNLIST not resolved.
ERROR: CLI describe error: Microsoft ODBC SQL Server Driver SQL Server Invalid column name '&SSNList'. : Microsoft ODBC SQL Server Driver SQL Server Statement(s) could not be prepared.
Here is my stored process code:
libname Instr xml;
data work.SSNList;
set Instr.&_webin_sasname;
proc sql;
connect to odbc ("dsn=SQL server DW; Trusted_Connection=yes; database=DW");
select * from connection to odbc
(SELECT t1.IP_Key,
FROM Test1.XXX_Address_VW t1
WHERE t1.SSN IN ("&SSNList")
disconnect from odbc;
I know that the error is with "&SSNList" - but what should it be to use the instream feature?
Thank you for any suggestions.