Hello, I'm a very new SAS user and would like to know if there is any solution to the problem I am facing. I have read through many questions regarding replicating Solver in excel and most of them require SAS/OR, which I unfortunately don't have access to. Is there any way to achieve the same result without PROC OPTMODEL?
Please see the attached file for details of the problem.
data indata;
input Weight Probability;
Probability = Probability / 100;
2 0.001
34 0.010
56 0.030
90 0.070
27 0.120
10 1.100
proc optmodel;
set OBS;
num weight {OBS};
num probability {OBS};
read data indata into OBS=[_N_] weight probability;
num logit {i in OBS} = log(probability[i]/(1-probability[i]));
print weight probability logit;
var X;
impvar OptimizedLogit {i in OBS} = logit[i] + X;
impvar OptimizedProbability {i in OBS} = 1/(1+exp(-OptimizedLogit[i]));
impvar WeightedAverage = (sum {i in OBS} weight[i] * OptimizedProbability[i]) / (sum {i in OBS} weight[i]);
num target = 0.003;
min Error = abs(WeightedAverage - target);
solve with nlp / ms;
print X WeightedAverage OptimizedLogit OptimizedProbability;
Solution Summary | |
Solver | Multistart NLP |
Algorithm | Interior Point Direct |
Objective Function | Error |
Solution Status | Best Feasible |
Objective Value | 6.505213E-17 |
Number of Starts | 100 |
Number of Sample Points | 320 |
Number of Distinct Optima | 73 |
Random Seed Used | 7412291 |
Optimality Error | 0.0029506036 |
Infeasibility | 0 |
Presolve Time | 0.00 |
Solution Time | 0.05 |
X | WeightedAverage |
1.0799 | 0.003 |
[1] | OptimizedLogit | OptimizedProbability |
1 | -10.4331 | 0.000029442 |
2 | -8.1304 | 0.000294370 |
3 | -7.0316 | 0.000882766 |
4 | -6.1839 | 0.002058189 |
5 | -5.6444 | 0.003524902 |
6 | -3.4189 | 0.031708828 |
With DATA step, using discrete steps on interval [0,2]:
%let numObs = 6;
data sample;
array Weight[&numObs] (2 34 56 90 27 10);
array Probability[&numObs] (0.00001 0.0001 0.0003 0.0007 0.0012 0.011);
array Logit[&numObs];
SumOfWeights = sum(of Weight[*]);
do i = 1 to &numObs;
Logit[i] = log(Probability[i]/(1-Probability[i]));
array OptimizedLogit[&numObs];
array OptimizedProbability[&numObs];
do X = 0 to 2 by 0.01;
WeightedAverage = 0;
do i = 1 to &numObs;
OptimizedLogit[i] = Logit[i] + X;
OptimizedProbability[i] = 1/(1+exp(-OptimizedLogit[i]));
WeightedAverage + Weight[i] * OptimizedProbability[i];
WeightedAverage = WeightedAverage / SumOfWeights;
proc sgplot data=sample;
scatter x=X y=WeightedAverage;
refline 0.003;
data indata;
input Weight Probability;
Probability = Probability / 100;
2 0.001
34 0.010
56 0.030
90 0.070
27 0.120
10 1.100
proc optmodel;
set OBS;
num weight {OBS};
num probability {OBS};
read data indata into OBS=[_N_] weight probability;
num logit {i in OBS} = log(probability[i]/(1-probability[i]));
print weight probability logit;
var X;
impvar OptimizedLogit {i in OBS} = logit[i] + X;
impvar OptimizedProbability {i in OBS} = 1/(1+exp(-OptimizedLogit[i]));
impvar WeightedAverage = (sum {i in OBS} weight[i] * OptimizedProbability[i]) / (sum {i in OBS} weight[i]);
num target = 0.003;
min Error = abs(WeightedAverage - target);
solve with nlp / ms;
print X WeightedAverage OptimizedLogit OptimizedProbability;
Solution Summary | |
Solver | Multistart NLP |
Algorithm | Interior Point Direct |
Objective Function | Error |
Solution Status | Best Feasible |
Objective Value | 6.505213E-17 |
Number of Starts | 100 |
Number of Sample Points | 320 |
Number of Distinct Optima | 73 |
Random Seed Used | 7412291 |
Optimality Error | 0.0029506036 |
Infeasibility | 0 |
Presolve Time | 0.00 |
Solution Time | 0.05 |
X | WeightedAverage |
1.0799 | 0.003 |
[1] | OptimizedLogit | OptimizedProbability |
1 | -10.4331 | 0.000029442 |
2 | -8.1304 | 0.000294370 |
3 | -7.0316 | 0.000882766 |
4 | -6.1839 | 0.002058189 |
5 | -5.6444 | 0.003524902 |
6 | -3.4189 | 0.031708828 |
With DATA step, using discrete steps on interval [0,2]:
%let numObs = 6;
data sample;
array Weight[&numObs] (2 34 56 90 27 10);
array Probability[&numObs] (0.00001 0.0001 0.0003 0.0007 0.0012 0.011);
array Logit[&numObs];
SumOfWeights = sum(of Weight[*]);
do i = 1 to &numObs;
Logit[i] = log(Probability[i]/(1-Probability[i]));
array OptimizedLogit[&numObs];
array OptimizedProbability[&numObs];
do X = 0 to 2 by 0.01;
WeightedAverage = 0;
do i = 1 to &numObs;
OptimizedLogit[i] = Logit[i] + X;
OptimizedProbability[i] = 1/(1+exp(-OptimizedLogit[i]));
WeightedAverage + Weight[i] * OptimizedProbability[i];
WeightedAverage = WeightedAverage / SumOfWeights;
proc sgplot data=sample;
scatter x=X y=WeightedAverage;
refline 0.003;
Thank you for your reply. However I'm still unsure of how to get X as an output without proc optmodel. Is eyeballing the graph the only way to get X with this method?
You can examine the resulting data set to find that X = 1.08 yields WeightedAverage = 0.0030004091.
Various other ways to solve nonlinear equations in SAS are described in the blog post https://blogs.sas.com/content/iml/2018/02/28/solve-system-nonlinear-equations-sas.html
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