I am looking to calculate minimum paths in a large sparse network using PROC NETFLOW, and am striking runtime issues given the size of the network I want to analyse.
NETFLOW works pretty well for small(ish) networks, but seems to hit a wall at a certain point. Observed runtimes for differing sized networks I have tested appear as follows (note k = 000):
NNODES +++++ NARCS +++++ Runtime (secs)
8k +++++++++ 300k +++++++++ 2.5 sec
30k +++++++++ 2,300k +++++++++ 14.4 sec
42k +++++++++ 7,500k +++++++++ 6,331.0 sec !!!!
Is there just a limit to the size of the network NETFLOW can cope with?
**** Sample of the PROC statement I used to test the 14.1 second result *******
169 proc netflow
173 NNODES = 30000
174 NARCS = 2300000
175 NNAS = 0
176 DEFCOST = 1
177 MAXIT1 = 100000
178 shortpath
179 sourcenode = P1028050
180 sinknode = P1026752
181 ARCDATA = arcs
182 arcout = spath (where =( _flow_ =1));
183 tail P1;
184 head P2;
185 run;