Hi Rob.
I am trying to use sparse modeling as suggested by you few months back. https://go.documentation.sas.com/?docsetId=ormpug&docsetTarget=ormpug_optmodel_examples07.htm&docset...
Here is my code. I want to pick p number of facilites that satisfy my customer demand. The following code is an adapted version of the code that you had earlier but the only thing is that I added the CUSTOMERS_SITES to cull out those customers_facilities pairs that has less than 1000 miles as the distance. When I ran the model, I got error that said " A set expression may not depend on a variable". That was my first question. Second question is if my objective function and constraints are right.
proc optmodel;
set DIMS=1..2;
set FACILITIES = 1..&p;
num demand {CUSTOMERS};
[_N_] {d in DIMS} <a[_N_,d]=col('a'||d)> demand;
num Xlb {d in DIMS} = min {i in CUSTOMERS} a[i,d];
num Xub {d in DIMS} = max {i in CUSTOMERS} a[i,d];
print Xlb; print Xub;
var X {FACILITIES, d in DIMS} >= Xlb[d] <= Xub[d];
impvar Distance {i in CUSTOMERS, j in FACILITIES} = GEODIST(a[i,1],a[i,2],X[j,1],X[j,2]);
set CUSTOMERS_SITES = {i in CUSTOMERS, j in FACILITIES: Distance[i,j] <= 1000};
min Z = sum {<i,j>i in CUSTOMER_SITES} W[i,j]*Distance[i,j];
con DemandCon {i in CUSTOMERS}: sum {j in FACILITIES} W[i,j] = demand[i];
solve with nlp ;
Infeasibility is essentially 0 here, so all constraints are satisfied within tolerance. Iteration Limit Reached means that the solution might not be locally optimal. Multisource Weber is a difficult problem, so you might consider solving it approximately by first solving a p-median problem (MILP) with the customers as the candidate locations and then solving a single-source Weber problem for each resulting cluster (p independent NLP problems).
The ERROR message is because your set CUSTOMERS_SITES depends on Distance, which is an implicit variable. Sets must depend on constants and not variables.
It looks like you are mixing two related facility location problems. For both of them, the input includes a set of customers, each of whose demand must be satisfied by a fixed number (p) of facilities. The difference between the two problems is where the facilities can be built:
The sparse modeling approach applies only to the MILP problem. Which problem do you want to solve?
Hi Rob
Thank you very much. I am trying to solve multi source Weber problem. Can i then, just add a constraint saying someghing like
con radius {i in CUSTOMERS, j in FACILITIES} Distance [i,j]<=1000;?
Yes, that is legal if you include a colon:
con radius {i in CUSTOMERS, j in FACILITIES}: Distance [i,j]<=1000;
But I suspect that these additional nonlinear constraints will make the problem much harder to solve.
Rob. I tried that con radius even before i was experimenting sparse modeling without knowing that sparse modeling was for MILP.
The con radius constraint con radius {i in CUSTOMERS, j in FACILITIES}: Distance [i,j] <=1000;
does not give any error. But it also does not seems to respect the constraint because in the answer I do see some customer-Facility site pairs that have more than 1000 mile as distance.
What were the values of Solution Status and Infeasibility in the Solution Summary when you were seeing constraint violations?
Rob - Solution Status is "Failed" as you can see in the below Solution Summary
Solution Summary SolverNLP
Algorithm Interior Point
Objective Function Z
Solution Status Failed
Objective Value 3796957.4976
Optimality Error 1394.3093905
Iterations 2245
Presolve Time 0.00
Solution Time 9.44
When i don't have that con radius, the solution status is "Iteration Limit Reached".
Solver NLP
Algorithm Interior Point
Objective Function Z
Solution Status Iteration Limit Reached
Objective Value 1675638.2436
Optimality Error 0.1991496343
Infeasibility 2.5283975E-7
Iterations 5000
Presolve Time 0.00
Solution Time 18.67
Infeasibility is essentially 0 here, so all constraints are satisfied within tolerance. Iteration Limit Reached means that the solution might not be locally optimal. Multisource Weber is a difficult problem, so you might consider solving it approximately by first solving a p-median problem (MILP) with the customers as the candidate locations and then solving a single-source Weber problem for each resulting cluster (p independent NLP problems).
Thank you very much for your feeback. Let me try to implement that and get back to you. Thanks
Yes, Infeasibility > 0 implies that some constraints are violated.
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