The template that PROC LIFETEST is using is the Graph template that you see when you run ODS TRACE. The Graph templates should be coded to work with the style template that is active in your code (STYLE= option) and that means the colors from the style template will/should be used for the graph image. So when you use style=journal or style=journal2 (instead of your custom style), you should get black lines.
Do remember that with ODS RTF, when you look at the output, you must CLOSE the RTF file every time or else when you re-run the job, you will see error messages in the log that say something like:
ERROR: File is in use, <path>\filename.rtf.
ERROR: Fatal ODS error has occurred. Unable to continue
processing this output destination.
So, if your original RTF file was open when you ran the STYLE=JOURNAL step, you might not have seen any changes if you did not close the file before you reran the job. The other workaround, of course, is to change the file name between runs.
The behavior you observe is very odd. When I run this PROC LIFETEST whether I use style=journal or style=journal2 -- my lines are still black. (This may not be the best LIFETEST example. I wasn't exactly sure which plot you wanted, but I got black lines on my SurvivalPlot for each of my Strata lines -- I had 3 levels of CHOL_STATUS.)
ods rtf file='c:\temp\journal.rtf' style=journal;
ods graphics on;
ods noptitle;
ods select SurvivalPlot;
proc lifetest data=sashelp.heart plots=(s);
title 'Using Changed Style Template';
time ageatdeath*systolic(150);
strata chol_status;
ods graphics off;
ods _all_ close;
The style elements used for the colors of lines are the "GCDATAn" style attributes. If all you wanted to do was change the colors of the lines, you would only need to change the GCDATAn colors in the GraphColors style element. In the example below, I have changed GCDATA1, GCDATA2 and GCDATA3 to be very noticeable colors, so you can observe which color is used for which line. If you want to change the colors AND the line styles, then you would need to modify the template only a bit more to change the GraphData1, GraphData2 and GraphData3 style elements. For the 3 style attributes, I also change the line style in the template below. (You could, of course, change the colors all to black instead of my purple, cyan and black.)
Note that I took the SYMBOL statements out of the LIFETEST code -- template-based graphics are not impacted by GOPTIONS, AXIS or SYMBOL statements -- so if you are using ODS GRAPHICS, those statements will be ignored.
proc template;
define style difflines;
class GraphColors /
'gcdata12' = cxF9DA04
'gcdata11' = cxB38EF3
'gcdata10' = cx47A82A
'gcdata9' = cxD17800
'gcdata8' = cxB26084
'gcdata6' = cx7F8E1F
'gcdata7' = cx2597FA
'gcdata4' = cx543005
'gcdata5' = cx9D3CDB
'gcdata3' = black
'gcdata2' = cyan
'gcdata1' = purple;
class GraphData1 /
markersymbol = "circle"
linestyle = 4
contrastcolor = GraphColors('gcdata1')
color = GraphColors('gdata1');
class GraphData2 /
markersymbol = "plus"
linestyle = 2
contrastcolor = GraphColors('gcdata2')
color = GraphColors('gdata2');
class GraphData3 /
markersymbol = "X"
linestyle = 8
contrastcolor = GraphColors('gcdata3')
color = GraphColors('gdata3');
options orientation=landscape;
ods rtf file = "c:\temp\chglines.rtf" style=difflines;
ods graphics on;
ods noptitle;
ods select SurvivalPlot;
proc lifetest data=sashelp.heart plots=(s);
title 'Using Changed Style Template';
time ageatdeath*systolic(150);
strata chol_status;
ods graphics off;
ods _all_ close;