The xaxitable can be a nice workaround to add a title which is aligned with the y-axis.
However, I'm not sure it is possible to use multiple styles in that title.
I've tried ^S={color=} but was not successfull.
Can you think of any other approach using xaxistable?
ods escapechar='^';
proc sgplot data=sashelp.class;
vbarbasic name / response=height;
xaxistable name / position=top
title = "^S={color=red}Part 1 ^S={color=blue}Part 2^S={} Part 3"
valueattrs = (color = white);
I can use the text function with sganno= or use leading blanks in the title statement but I find the xaxistable quite interesting here and I'm only looking for a xaxitable solution.