I just never use GSFNAME/GSFMODE anymore. That's because ODS HTML automatically creates an external image file and then builds an <IMG> tag which points to the location of the external image file. Then, if I don't want the HTML file, I can just ditch it and use the PNG file.
To name the PNG file, I use NAME= on the HBAR or VBAR or PLOT statement. The .PNG extension gets added automatically.
For example, if I run the code below and my working directory is set to 'c:\temp', then the code will create: c:\temp\inside.png
/* Define a data set for charting
Program adapted from:
data a;
infile datalines;
input state $ sales;
NC 50
NY 10
NY 70
MA 10
MA 20
MA 30
CA 90
CA 10
CA 10
CA 20
ods html path='.' gpath='.'
file='inside_acx.html' style=analysis;
goptions reset=all device=actximg htext=12pt;
title1 '1) ACTXIMG and Inside Option';
axis1 label=('Sales') minor=none;
axis2 label=('State');
proc gchart data=a;
title2 'With ACTXIMG device -- get INSIDE for VBAR and HBAR';
hbar state / inside=sum sumvar=sales raxis=axis1 maxis=axis2 name='inside';
ods html close;