The output from proc print moves up or down based upon the value of y= in ODS region.
However, the output from proc gbarline does not seem to be effected by ods region values.
Any suggestions?
Thank you.
goptions reset=all;
options nodate nonumber orientation=portrait;
goptions rotate=landscape;
ods pdf file="C:\Documents and Settings\SASCode\YTD_Injury\TDBU_YTD.pdf"
*other procedures go here;
%macro gbarprint(div);
goptions rotate=landscape;
axis1 label=('Percentage') length=4 in;
axis2 label=('Injury Count') ;
axis3 length=4.5 in;
symbol1 i=join c=black v=dot;
symbol2 i=join c=green v=dot;
legend1 label=('') value=('YTD %') frame;
legend2 label=none across=1 position=(bottom center outside) repeat=1 cframe=white;
pattern1 v=solid c=orange;
pattern2 v=solid c=lightblue;
title1 h=3 "&div.";
ods layout start;
ODS region x=0.5 in y=2 in height = 3.5 in width = 4 in;
proc gbarline data=div_mo3;
title "&div.";
bar inj_mo/ sumvar=pernw legend=legend1
discrete raxis=axis1 maxis=axis3 midpoints="Jan" "Feb";
plot / sumvar=sum_osha raxis=axis2 legend=legend2;
plot / sumvar=sum_lost raxis=axis2;
plot / sumvar=sum_non raxis=axis2;
plot / sumvar=sum_res raxis=axis2;
where inj_yr in ("2010") and div in ("&div.");
format inj_mo $monthf.;
ODS region x=3.5 in y=3 in height = 3.5 in width = 5 in;
proc print data=div_mo3 label noobs;
title "&div.";
var inj_mo pernw sum_osha sum_lost;
where inj_yr in ("2010") and div in ("&div.");
format inj_mo $monthf.;
ods layout end;
%gbarprint(NW Div);