Hi, Peter:
The HTMLPANEL documentation (including a zip file of examples) is here:
Depending on what you mean by making it look nice...that's a different question. If you are using SAS 9.2, you can improve the appearance of the SAS/GRAPH and the HTML text-based output by using a simple STYLE= option in your ODS invocation statement:
ods html file='xxx.html' style=watercolor;
ods html file='yyy.html' style=analysis;
ods htmlpanel file='zzz.html' style=statistical;
If that is not nice enough, then you can modify the style template (WATERCOLOR, ANALYSIS or STATISTICAL) and use your modified template.
If you are still using SAS 9.1.3, then either you have to
1) use the client drivers (such as ACTIVEX, ACTXIMG, JAVA or JAVAIMG) in order to have the style template info respected or
2) use internal SAS/GRAPH action statements, global statements and graphic options to impact the style of the graph particularly if you are using other device drivers, such as GIF or JPEG.
If this is not what you mean by "make it look nice", then you'll have to elaborate further.