I'm working with EG on a UNIX server and the only place I can write files is to the server. I'm attempting to create a spreadsheet with multiple tabs. Below is a sample program I pulled from the SAS site. The program works to a point creating multiple html files in the folder on the server. The program also creates a spreadsheet file but only 1K in size (the html files are each 28K in size).
When I try and open the resulting spreadsheet on my PC excel complains that it can not find the html files (curiously the path is given but it is to a PC folder with the slashes in the wrong direction). Apparently, SAS/EG is not really adding the html files to the spreadsheet but creating a link to them.
Is there a way to force SAS/EG to force it to copy the html into the spreadsheet? Or is there a way to get it to get the path correct?
proc sort data=sashelp.class out=test;
by age;
ods tagsets.msoffice2k file='/path/temp.html' newfile=output;
proc print data=test;
by age;
ods tagsets.msoffice2k close;
ods tagsets.msoffice2k_x
file="/path/multiple.xlsx" style=statistical
data _null_;
file print;
put "test";
ods tagsets.msoffice2k_x close;
run; quit;