I am using proc template to create styles for my SAS/Graph output. Here is a little bit of the code:
proc template;
path sasuser.templat(update) sashelp.tmplmst(read);
define style MDRC_pdf;
style TitlesAndFooters from _SELF_ /
color = CX000000
backgroundcolor = CXFFFFFF;
style SystemTitle from _SELF_ /
font = ("Times New Roman", 10pt, bold);
style SystemTitle2 from _SELF_ /
font = ("Times New Roman", 4pt, bold);
style SystemTitle3 from _SELF_ /
font = ("Times New Roman", 12pt, bold);
style GraphTitleText from _SELF_ /
font = ("Times New Roman", 12pt, bold)
color = CX000000;
For HTML and RTF output, my SystemTitle styles are applied when I use title statements in proc gplot. For PDF output, the style for title1 is very large (does not match any of my styles) and the style for the titles 2-x uses the GraphTitleText style.
What style element do I use to style the title1 statement with PDF output? Is there any way to have separate styles for each title statement in PDF output? I am able to do this with regular ODS output but not when I'm using a SAS/Graph procedure.
Thanks for any tips.