Below is my code, which does produce a TIFF image at the dpi I need. The journal specifies that figures are in a .tiff format at 800 dpi. However, lines for the axes around the boxplot and around the blocking variable are very, very faint when I print the graph and on my computer screen when I view the image in Microsoft Office Document Imaging. The lines for the whiskers are also very faint even if I increase the lfactor=8. This problem occurs when I insert the picture into a Word document. When I look at the graph output in SAS, all the lines are thick and crisp. Also, the size of the TIFF produced is small compared to other TIFF files with the sampe dpi.
This technical document provided some help.
goptions reset=all device=tiffp rotate=landscape ftext="Arial" htext=12pt lfactor=4
gsfname=output gsfmode=replace hpos=70
ypixels=3200 ymax=4in xpixels=4800 xmax=6in;
filename output 'C:\r_watershed\Manuscript\Figures\precip_boxplots1_z.tiff';
symbol value=plus color=black;
proc boxplot data=precip_boxplot1;
plot precip*Watershed(year)/blockpos=1 blocklabelpos=above cblockvar=(color)
vminor=4 boxstyle=skeletal nohlabel cboxfill=(color);
label year='Year'
precip='Precipitation (mm/yr)';