Hi ,
I am using PROC SGPLOT for generating the graphs and after generatign the graph these are converted into WORD and PDF files using a macro. The concern is i am getting SG Plot Procedure as third title in bookmarks in PDF , but not in RTF as shown in the attached file. I have tried with ODS NOPTITLE /ODS NOPROCTITLE and even ODS PROCLABEL, but still unable to mask The SGPLOT Procedure Title in PDF. Are ther any other options/methods for masking this "The SGPLOT Procedure" in Bookmark. In the attached graph the graph is generated in 3 pages and each in each page, for bookmark it is displayng the title.
Thanks in advance for support/responses.
I am not sure I know precisely what you are asking, but bookmarkgen=no suppresses all bookmarks. See:
specifies whether to generate and display the list of bookmarks for PDF and PS files.
controls the generation of bookmarks in PDF and PS files.
ods noproctitle;
ods pdf body='b.pdf' bookmarkgen=no;
title 'My Title';
proc sgplot data=sashelp.class;
reg y=weight x=height;
proc sgplot data=sashelp.class;
reg y=weight x=height;
proc sgplot data=sashelp.class;
reg y=weight x=height;
ods pdf close;
If none of this is helpful, please state more specifically what you want.
You can also use the DESCRIPTION option in the SG procedures to change the TOC label:
proc sgplot data=sashelp.class description="My Title";
vbar age;
Hope this helps!
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