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Calcite | Level 5

Ok Thanks a lot

Calcite | Level 5

He seems to be confused. He first asks how to draw the zone boundaries, and I guess he figured that out. But he wants to know how to compute the percentages of points falling in each zone. He will need to have code that checks every point to determine in which zone it lies. Then he will need code to count the number of points in each zone. It’s not an easy programing task; you need to check a lot of boundaries. It would be particularly difficult in SAS.

I do not know if this helps.

Bye for now,

Scott P.

> On Nov 21, 2016, at 8:39 AM, Joan wrote:
> Do u understand his question
> Sent from my iPad
> Joan Lee Parkes, PhD
> Begin forwarded message:
>> From: SAS Support Communities
>> Date: November 21, 2016 at 5:44:55 AM EST
>> To:
>> Subject: Re: How to draw a Parkes (Consensus) Error Grid?
>> Hi Joanlee,
>> prem_sahu (New User) posted a new reply in SAS/GRAPH and ODS Graphics on 11-21-2016 05:44 AM :
>> Re: How to draw a Parkes (Consensus) Error Grid?
>> thanks a lot for providing the reference. The code pasted was worked well.
>> I am New to SAS and facing difficulty while constructing this.could you please tell me how to get percentage for different the mentioned code.
>> Reply | Like this message
>> SAS Support Communities sent this message to
>> You are receiving this email because a new message matches your subscription to a topic.
>> To control which emails we send you please go to, manage your subscription & notification settings or unsubscribe.
Calcite | Level 5


please see pfutzner et al. J diabetes science and technology. 2013 7(5) 1275 for coirdinates



Joan Lee Parkes 

Super User

Consensus Error Grid


data have;
  call streaminit(123);
    do i=1 to 500;
      x=40+30*ranuni(2);  y=40+40*ranuni(2); output;

    /*--Add data all over--*/
    do i=1 to 100;
      x=550*ranuni(2);  y=550*ranuni(2); output;

    /*--Add data in the middle fan--*/
    do i=1 to 2000;
	  y=x+(x-50)*2*tan(pi/4 *ranuni(2) -pi/8);
	  y=ifn(y>550 or y<0, ., y);
 keep x y;

/*--Generate grid and point data--*/
data Grid;
input  id rfbg  sbg;
11 50 0
11 50 30
11 90 80
11 330 230
11 550 450
12 0 50
12 30 50
12 230 330
12 440 550
21 90 0
21 260 130
21 550 250
22 0 60
22 30 60
22 280 550
31 250 0
31 250 40
31 410 110
31 550 160
32 0 80
32 25 80
32 35 90
32 125 550
41 0 200
41 35 200
41 50 550
data label;
    xl=320; yl=280; label='A';  output;
    xl=280; yl=320; label='A';  output;
    xl=370; yl=220; label='B';  output;
    xl=220; yl=370; label='B';  output;
    xl=400; yl=140; label='C';  output;
    xl=140; yl=400; label='C'; output;
    xl=420; yl=70; label='D'; output;
    xl=70; yl=420; label='D';output;
    xl=20; yl=430; label='E';output;
/*--Add data points--*/
data Plot;
  set grid have label;
/*--Draw the grid--*/
ods html dpi=300;
ods graphics / reset antialiasmax=5700 ;
proc sgplot data=Plot noautolegend aspect=1;
  lineparm x=0 y=0 slope=1/lineattrs=(pattern=dash color=gray);
  series x=rfbg y=sbg / group=id lineattrs=(color=gray ) nomissinggroup;
  scatter x=x y=y /  markerattrs=(symbol=circlefilled size=2 color=black) transparency=0.5;
  scatter x=xl y=yl / markerchar=label markercharattrs=(size=12);
  xaxis values=(0 to 550 by 50) offsetmin=0 offsetmax=0 label='Reference Blood Glucose';
  yaxis values=(0 to 550 by 50) offsetmin=0 offsetmax=0 label='Sensor Blood Glucose';


Super User

To complete Consensus Error Grid to calculate percent in each area . I rescue to PROC GINSIDE. This PROC is awesome.

NOTE:  unit is (mg/dL)


data have;
  call streaminit(123);
    do i=1 to 500;
      x=40+30*ranuni(2);  y=40+40*ranuni(2); output;

    /*--Add data all over--*/
    do i=1 to 100;
      x=550*ranuni(2);  y=550*ranuni(2); output;

    /*--Add data in the middle fan--*/
    do i=1 to 2000;
	  y=x+(x-50)*2*tan(pi/4 *ranuni(2) -pi/8);
	  y=ifn(y>550 or y<0, ., y);
 keep x y;

/*--Generate grid and point data--*/
data map;
input  id $ x y;
B_L 50 0
B_L 50 30
B_L 90 80
B_L 330 230
B_L 550 450
B_L 550 250
B_L 260 130
B_L 90 0
C_L  90 0
C_L  260 130
C_L  550 250
C_L  550 160
C_L  410 110
C_L  250 40
C_L  250 0
D_L  250 0
D_L  250 40
D_L  410 110
D_L  550 160
D_L  550 0
A 50 0
A 50 30
A 90 80
A 330 230
A 550 450
A 550 550
A 440 550
A 230 330
A 30 50
A 0 50
A 0 0
B_U 0 50
B_U 30 50
B_U 230 330
B_U 440 550
B_U 280 550
B_U 30 60
B_U 0 60
C_U 0 60
C_U 30 60
C_U 280 550
C_U  125 550
C_U  35 90
C_U  25 80
C_U  0 80
D_U 0 80
D_U 25 80
D_U 35 90
D_U 125 550
D_U 50 550
D_U 35 200
D_U 0 200
E 0 200
E 35 200
E 50 550
E 0 550

proc ginside data=have map=map out=id INCLUDEBORDER;
  id id ;
data id;
 set id;
proc freq data=id ;
table id;

data Grid;
input  id2 rfbg  sbg;
11 50 0
11 50 30
11 90 80
11 330 230
11 550 450
12 0 50
12 30 50
12 230 330
12 440 550
21 90 0
21 260 130
21 550 250
22 0 60
22 30 60
22 280 550
31 250 0
31 250 40
31 410 110
31 550 160
32 0 80
32 25 80
32 35 90
32 125 550
41 0 200
41 35 200
41 50 550
data label;
    xl=320; yl=280; label='A';  output;
    xl=280; yl=320; label='A';  output;
    xl=370; yl=220; label='B';  output;
    xl=220; yl=370; label='B';  output;
    xl=400; yl=140; label='C';  output;
    xl=140; yl=400; label='C'; output;
    xl=420; yl=70; label='D'; output;
    xl=70; yl=420; label='D';output;
    xl=20; yl=430; label='E';output;
/*--Add data points--*/
data Plot;
  set grid id label;

/*--Attributes Map for zones--*/
data attrmap;
  length id $1 value $1 markercolor $10;
  id='A'; value='A'; markercolor='cx00afdf'; linecolor='cx00afdf'; output;
  id='A'; value='B'; markercolor='cx00ef7f'; linecolor='cx00ef7f'; output;
  id='A'; value='C'; markercolor='gray'; linecolor='gray'; output;
  id='A'; value='D'; markercolor='pink'; linecolor='pink'; output;
  id='A'; value='E'; markercolor='red'; linecolor='red'; output;

/*--Draw the grid--*/
ods html dpi=300;
ods graphics / reset antialiasmax=5700 ;
proc sgplot data=Plot noautolegend aspect=1 dattrmap=attrmap;
  lineparm x=0 y=0 slope=1/lineattrs=(pattern=dash color=gray );
  series x=rfbg y=sbg / group=id2 lineattrs=(color=gray ) nomissinggroup;
  scatter x=x y=y /  markerattrs=(symbol=circlefilled size=2 ) group=id attrid=A;
  scatter x=xl y=yl / markerchar=label markercharattrs=(size=12);
  xaxis values=(0 to 550 by 50) offsetmin=0 offsetmax=0 label='Reference Blood Glucose';
  yaxis values=(0 to 550 by 50) offsetmin=0 offsetmax=0 label='Sensor Blood Glucose';



Calcite | Level 5

Dear Ksharp,


Thank you so much for providing this code!


I am just new to SAS and am wondering how I insert my own two input arrays of model value and reference value.

Thank you so much in advance!


Kind regards,


Super User

You could replace my HAVE dataset with yours . a.k.a replace the following code .

data have;
  call streaminit(123);
    do i=1 to 500;
      x=40+30*ranuni(2);  y=40+40*ranuni(2); output;

    /*--Add data all over--*/
    do i=1 to 100;
      x=550*ranuni(2);  y=550*ranuni(2); output;

    /*--Add data in the middle fan--*/
    do i=1 to 2000;
	  y=x+(x-50)*2*tan(pi/4 *ranuni(2) -pi/8);
	  y=ifn(y>550 or y<0, ., y);
 keep x y;




Or just type it by your hand. Like this :

data have;
input x y;
51.6 77.60
63.2 60.7
43.2 45.2
Calcite | Level 5

Thanks a ton!

Calcite | Level 5
Thank u I also forwarded to other authors
Super User

Here is Clark Error Grid Graph by using PROC GINSIDE .

NOTE:  unit is (mg/dL)



data have;
  call streaminit(123);
    do i=1 to 500;
      x=40+30*ranuni(2);  y=40+40*ranuni(2); output;

    /*--Add data all over--*/
    do i=1 to 100;
      x=400*ranuni(2);  y=400*ranuni(2); output;

    /*--Add data in the middle fan--*/
    do i=1 to 5000;
	  y=x+(x-50)*2*tan(pi/4 *ranuni(2) -pi/8);
	  y=ifn(y>400 or y<0, ., y);
 keep x y;

/*--Generate grid and point data--*/
data map;
infile cards expandtabs;
input n id $ x y;
1	E_L 180 0
2	E_L 180 70
3	E_L 400 70
4	E_L 400 0
40	E_U 0 180
41	E_U 70 180
42	E_U 70 400
43	E_U 0 400
8	D_L  240 70
9	D_L  240 180
10	D_L  400 180
11	D_L  400 70
35	D_U 0 70
36	D_U 58.3 70
37	D_U 70 84
38	D_U 70 180
39	D_U 0 180
5	C_L  130 0
6	C_L  180 70
7	C_L  180 0
32	C_U 70 180
33	C_U 290 400
34	C_U 70 400
12	B_L  70 0
13	B_L  70 56
14	B_L  400 320
15	B_L  400 180
16	B_L  240 180
17	B_L  240 70
18	B_L  180 70
19	B_L  130 0
28	B_U 70 84
29	B_U 333 400
30	B_U 290 400
31	B_U 70 180
20	A 0 0
21	A 0 70
22	A 58.3 70
23	A 333 400
24	A 400 400
25	A 400 320
26	A 70 56
27	A 70 0
data map;
 set map;
 if n in (23 29) then x=400/1.2 ;
 if n in (22 36) then x=70/1.2 ;
 drop n;

proc ginside data=have map=map out=id INCLUDEBORDER;
  id id ;
data id;
 set id;

proc freq data=id ;
table id/out=zone;

%let A=0.00;
%let B=0.00;
%let C=0.00;
%let D=0.00;
%let E=0.00;

%let count_A=0;
%let count_B=0;
%let count_C=0;
%let count_D=0;
%let count_E=0;

data _null_;
 set zone;
 if not missing(id) then do;
  call symputx(id,put(PERCENT,8.2));
  call symputx(cats('count_',id),COUNT);

data Grid;
  /*--Zone A--*/
  id2=11; rfbg2=70;  sbg2=0; output;
  id2=11; rfbg2=70;  sbg2=56; output;
  id2=12; rfbg2=58.3;sbg2=70; output;
  id2=12; rfbg2=0;   sbg2=70; output;
  id2=13; rfbg2=70;   sbg2=84; output;
  id2=13; rfbg2=70;   sbg2=180; output;
  id2=13; rfbg2=0;   sbg2=180; output;

  /*--Zone E - Y--*/
  id2=3; rfbg2=70;  sbg2=180; output;
  id2=3; rfbg2=70;  sbg2=400; output;
  id2=3; rfbg2=0;   sbg2=400; output;
  /*--Zone E - X--*/
  id2=4; rfbg2=180;  sbg2=0; output;
  id2=4; rfbg2=180;  sbg2=70; output;
  id2=4; rfbg2=400;  sbg2=70; output;
  /*--Zone D - X--*/
  id2=5; rfbg2=240;  sbg2=70; output;
  id2=5; rfbg2=240;  sbg2=180; output;
  id2=5; rfbg2=400;  sbg2=180; output;
  /*--Zone C - Low--*/
  id2=6; rfbg2=130;  sbg2=0; output;
  id2=6; rfbg2=180;  sbg2=70; output;
  /*--Zone C - High--*/
  id2=7; rfbg2=70;  sbg2=180; output;
  id2=7; rfbg2=290; sbg2=400; output;
  /*--Zone B - High--*/
  id2=8; rfbg2=58.3; sbg2=70; output;
  id2=8; rfbg2=333.3;  sbg2=400; output;
  /*--Zone B - Low--*/
  id2=9; rfbg2=70;   sbg2=56; output;
  id2=9; rfbg2=400; sbg2=320; output;

data label;
length label $ 40;
    xl=20; yl=20; label='A';   output;
    xl=20; yl=120; label='D';  output;
    xl=20; yl=300; label='E';   output;
    xl=100; yl=20; label='B';   output;
    xl=160; yl=20; label='C';   output;
    xl=100; yl=160; label='B';   output;
    xl=320; yl=20; label="E(&count_E.,&E.%)";   output;
    xl=320; yl=120; label="D(&count_D.,&D.%)";  output;
    xl=320; yl=200; label="B(&count_B.,&B.%)" ; output;
    xl=340; yl=340; label="A(&count_A.,&A.%)" ; output;
    xl=120; yl=320; label="C(&count_C.,&C.%)" ; output;

data plot;
 set Grid id label;

/*--Attributes Map for zones--*/
data attrmap;
  length id $1 value $1 markercolor $10;
  id='A'; value='A'; markercolor='cx00afdf'; linecolor='cx00afdf'; output;
  id='A'; value='B'; markercolor='cx00ef7f'; linecolor='cx00ef7f'; output;
  id='A'; value='C'; markercolor='gray'; linecolor='gray'; output;
  id='A'; value='D'; markercolor='pink'; linecolor='pink'; output;
  id='A'; value='E'; markercolor='red'; linecolor='red'; output;

/*--Draw the grid--*/
ods graphics / reset antialiasmax=5700 ;
proc sgplot data=plot noautolegend aspect=1 dattrmap=attrmap;
  scatter x=x y=y / attrid=A group=id  markerattrs=(symbol=circlefilled size=3 ) ;
  scatter x=xl y=yl / markerchar=label markercharattrs=(size=12)  ;
    series x=rfbg2 y=sbg2 / group=id2 lineattrs=(color=gray ) nomissinggroup;

  xaxis values=(0 to 400 by 50) offsetmin=0 offsetmax=0 label='Reference Blood Glucose';
  yaxis values=(0 to 400 by 50) offsetmin=0 offsetmax=0 label='Sensor Blood Glucose';

Clark Error GridClark Error Grid

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