I'm trying to produce a slicefit type plot and want to specify values for the sliceby variable.
Outcome is a binary outcome (0/1). Variable1 and Variable2 are both continuous variables.
The code below produces exactly what I want except for one small issue: I'd like to set the values for sliceby=variable2 to be like 20, 40, 60, etc., not the 15.66, 36.36, 57.06, etc. that are being chosen automatically.
I have tried to use AT to specify values but can't get the result I want. The sliceby values are still the ones chosen automatically.
proc logistic data=my_dataset PLOTS(ONLY) = EFFECT(showobs);
model outcome = variable1 variable2 variable1*variable2 / rsquare;
effectplot slicefit (x=variable1 sliceby=variable2)
/ noobs
sliceby=variable2=20 40 60 80 100
Something like that should work for you.
@ljlynn97 wrote:
I'm trying to produce a slicefit type plot and want to specify values for the sliceby variable.
Outcome is a binary outcome (0/1). Variable1 and Variable2 are both continuous variables.
The code below produces exactly what I want except for one small issue: I'd like to set the values for sliceby=variable2 to be like 20, 40, 60, etc., not the 15.66, 36.36, 57.06, etc. that are being chosen automatically.
I have tried to use AT to specify values but can't get the result I want. The sliceby values are still the ones chosen automatically.
proc logistic data=my_dataset PLOTS(ONLY) = EFFECT(showobs); model outcome = variable1 variable2 variable1*variable2 / rsquare; effectplot slicefit (x=variable1 sliceby=variable2) / noobs ; run;
sliceby=variable2=20 40 60 80 100
Something like that should work for you.
@ljlynn97 wrote:
I'm trying to produce a slicefit type plot and want to specify values for the sliceby variable.
Outcome is a binary outcome (0/1). Variable1 and Variable2 are both continuous variables.
The code below produces exactly what I want except for one small issue: I'd like to set the values for sliceby=variable2 to be like 20, 40, 60, etc., not the 15.66, 36.36, 57.06, etc. that are being chosen automatically.
I have tried to use AT to specify values but can't get the result I want. The sliceby values are still the ones chosen automatically.
proc logistic data=my_dataset PLOTS(ONLY) = EFFECT(showobs); model outcome = variable1 variable2 variable1*variable2 / rsquare; effectplot slicefit (x=variable1 sliceby=variable2) / noobs ; run;
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