data a;
1 52 22
2 16 17
3 78 66
4 14 10
5 26 0
6 31 12
7 92 66
8 19 9
9 18 8
10 22 14
11 84 14
12 93 23
/* Use the POINTLABEL option to label the plot points */
symbol1 interpol=join value=dot color=vibg height=1.3
pointlabel=(height=10pt '#sales');
/*symbol1 interpol=join value=dot color=vibg height=1.3
pointlabel=(height=10pt '#RETURNS');*/
title1 'Using the POINTLABEL Option with GPLOT';
axis1 offset=(4,4) minor=none;
axis2 offset=(2,2) minor=none;
proc gplot data=a;
plot sales*month / haxis=axis1 vaxis=axis2 noframe;
plot RETURNS*month / haxis=axis1 vaxis=axis2 noframe;
It produces two graphs, one for Sales*Month and Returns*Month where *=By.
I want to produce one grpah with sales and returns on the same graph. I need the sales to be in green (color=vibg) and the returns in red, I guess its color=vibr. I want to know how I would get both measures on the same graph
Probably you want to use the PLOT2 command
plot2 RETURNS*month / haxis=axis1 vaxis=axis2 noframe;
and the SYMBOL2 command where you assing the color vibr
Probably you want to use the PLOT2 command
plot2 RETURNS*month / haxis=axis1 vaxis=axis2 noframe;
and the SYMBOL2 command where you assing the color vibr
Here are a couple of options for you to do straight overlays with GPLOT and SGPLOT. If you want secondary Y axis support, do what Paige said for GPLOT or use the Y2AXIS option on the "returns" SERIES plot.
/* Use the POINTLABEL option to label the plot points */
symbol1 interpol=join value=dot color=vibg height=1.3
pointlabel=(height=10pt '#sales');
symbol2 interpol=join value=dot color=red height=1.3
pointlabel=(height=10pt '#RETURNS');
title1 'Using the POINTLABEL Option with GPLOT';
axis1 offset=(4,4) minor=none;
axis2 offset=(2,2) minor=none;
proc gplot data=a;
plot sales*month returns*month / overlay haxis=axis1 vaxis=axis2 noframe;
/* The AXIS and SYMBOL statements do not apply here */
title1 'Using the DATALABEL Option with SGPLOT';
proc sgplot data=a;
series x=month y=sales / markers lineattrs=(color=vibg) markerattrs=(color=vibg symbol=circlefilled)
markerattrs=(color=vibg symbol=circlefilled) datalabel;
series x=month y=returns / markers lineattrs=(color=red) markerattrs=(color=red symbol=circlefilled)
markerattrs=(color=red symbol=circlefilled) datalabel;
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