I have the addresses (address line, city state, zip) for individuals in 3 states (DC,MD,VA) and trying to create a map that will show the 3 states together and plot each individual so that I can see where most of them are coming from.
Is there some code someone can share with me or point me to the right resources to do this?
Please see the below
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Also, see this
Here's one way to do it, using Proc Gmap and annotate ...
data my_data;
input statecode $ 1-2 value;
NC 491
SC 352
VA 108
data my_map; set maps.us (where=(statecode in ('NC' 'SC' 'VA')));
proc sql noprint;
create table anno_dots as
select unique my_data.*, uscenter.x, uscenter.y
from my_data left join maps.uscenter
on my_data.state=uscenter.state;
quit; run;
%let max_val=500; /* maximum size of data value to scale to */
%let max_area=40; /* size of the maximum dot you want in the map */
data anno_dots; set anno_dots;
length function $8 color $20;
xsys='2'; ysys='2'; hsys='3'; when='a';
function='pie'; rotate=360;
color='dodgerblue'; style='psolid'; output;
color='gray33'; style='pempty'; output;
pattern1 v=s color=grayf5;
proc gmap data=my_map map=my_map anno=anno_dots;
id statecode;
choro segment / levels=1 nolegend coutline=gray55;
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