Could you describe a little more of what you're wanting?
You might can use traditional proc gplot's box plots, or proc boxplot.
I see your data has a 'Group' variable, but do the plots have to be "grouped"
into these groups, per-say (within the same single plot axis)?
If not, then you could maybe do some tricks such as using the 'Group'
variable as a 'by variable' instead, producing a separate plot for each
group ... and then tiling these plots side-by-side using "ods htmlpanel"
(or greplay), for example.
And if all else fails, you can "draw" custom boxplots with annotate
(if all else fails).
Also, I notice you have several separate "variables" - depending on what
you're wanting to do, you might need to "proc transpose" the data to turn
those variables into values, in order to conveniently create the plot.
Really need to see some example data, and get more details on what
you're wanting to do to give specifics though...