That code is complete. The colors are set based on the version of SAS that you're using, the destination that you're using and the current color list that's being used and the current set of PATTERN statements in effect. If you did not see the colors as shown on the Results Tab, it's probably because those are the colors that you would get by default in SAS 9.2 and you might be using SAS 9.1.3 or, if you are using SAS 9.2, perhaps you had a different STYLE template in effect when the program was run.
For example, if you are using SAS 9.1.3 and the default Windows device and displaying your graphs in the GRAPH1 window, then the default colors come from the WIN device driver.
On the other hand, if you are using SAS 9.2 and the default Windows device and displaying your graphs in the GRAPH1 window, then the default colors come from the current style template (probably the LISTING style) that's being used for the ODS LISTING destination.
Your choices to change the current colors and/or patterns being used for your output are:
1) Change the colors using the COLORS option in the GOPTIONS statement
2) Change the colors and patterns for filled areas in PROC GCHART output by using a PATTERN statement
3) Use internal procedure options or other GOPTIONS (like CBACK, CPATTERN, etc) to change colors
4) Change the colors in the style template in SAS 9.2
Information about the COLORS graphics option:
Information about specifying colors using different color schemes (such as RGB or HLS, etc):
Information about the PATTERN statement:
Information about SAS macros for "utility" purposes regarding colors:
The color chart to which you referred only shows 256 colors and gives their names in various color systems when you hover your mouse over a square on the chart. This is not the only way to figure out color names. You could, in fact, use any HTML color picker to come up with RGB colors for SAS/GRAPH programs, because the HTML colors for RGB can also be used in SAS/GRAPH programs, as explained in the documentation site above.
The way you "read" the RGB colors is like this:
where the prefix CX tells SAS that you want to use RGB colors
and rr is the hexadecimal number for red value
and gg is the hexadecimal number for green value
and bb is the hexadecimal number for blue value
Here is a Tech Support note and some user group papers that explicitly talk about color theory and RGB colors: