Hi all.
I am trying to generate a 4-dimensional graph with SAS Proc G3D. I've written the following code but there are a couple of options that I don't know and would like some help with.
ODS HTML path="&Loc\figures\" body="Test.htm";
goptions border;
proc g3d data=Power gout = work.Gseg;
Title1 ls=2;
Title2 height=19 "Generalizability coefficient";
format Ni Nj 5.0 Rho 5.2;
plot Ni*Nj=Rho/rotate=60 tilt=80 side grid name="Rho"
caxis=black ctext=black ctop=bib cbottom=blue annotate=anno
zticknum=10 zmin=0 zmax=1 yticknum=5 xticknum=5 xytype=3;
label Ni="No. Items" Nj="No. Occasions" Rho='00'x;
run; quit; Title1;
1) Is there a way to control (either programmatically or manually) the band band region so that I can set the region Rho>0.9 to red, the region Rho>0.8 to orange, and so forth? It appears that the legend that SAS uses by default when I manually set the number of 'Levels' is based on the less than sign. Can the regions be defined based on the greater than sign? For example, I would like the highest region to represent all reliabilities (Rho) > 0.9, followed by the next highest region (Rho>0.8), and so forth.
2) Can I control where the axis labels are located?