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Obsidian | Level 7


I'm working on SAS Visual Investigator in which I want a few suggestions and guidance over alerts.

I want to know how I can make an alert be auto close in the visual investigator.


For eg. Let's take a scenario about the payment.

If I get an alert on a particular id lets assume the scenario is like the total outstanding percentage > 90%.

and I get the alert on that particular scenario.

If somehow the person pays its amount and when the data gets updated in the Visual investigator than the alerts should be closed automatically. without any interference from the inspector who is the managing alerts.


 How I can do it any suggestion or document for process this.



SAS Employee

There are no automatic “data watchers” in VI that trigger activity.


I think you would need to create a batch job that runs periodically looking for the changes you are interested in. When those data changes are found, you could make a rest call to close the alert.

Obsidian | Level 7

Hi, Thanks for your reply.

Do you have any example of sample in which "rest call to close the alert" is been used?



SAS Employee

We have the Alert REST endpoint documented in the VI admin guide.  It has examples included.  I would go there and find the one you need for your use case.


Directly from the guide example:



The call includes the following payload:

  "version": 1,
  "dispositionId": "AD_BUILT_IN_CLOSE",
  "promptForQueue": false,
  "promptForActivationTime": false,
  "promptForDocument": false,
  "documentFields": {},
  "promptForScenarioFired": false,
  "promptForRest": false,
  "restFields": {},
  "modifiedOverride": false,
  "promptForNoteFlag": false,
  "promptForReasonFlag": false,
  "alertDispositionName": "Close Immediately",
  "alerts": [
      "creationTimeStamp": "2019-10-11T17:52:58.731Z",
      "modifiedTimeStamp": "2019-10-16T21:14:04.960Z",
      "createdBy": "sas.svi-alert",
      "modifiedBy": "userID",
      "version": 1,
      "domainId": "svidomain",
      "alertId": "35809751744",
      "alertVersion": 1,
      "alertVersionTimeStamp": "2019-10-11T17:52:58.731Z",
      "actionableEntityType": "individual_customers",
      "actionableEntityId": "343648989",
      "actionableEntityLabel": "Jan-Joos Willeboords",
      "initialScore": 9081,
      "currentScore": 9081,
      "highScore": 9081,
      "alertOriginCode": "BATCH",
      "alertTypeCode": "KYC",
      "alertTriggerText": "Customer profile score 9081",
      "statusTimeStamp": "2019-10-11T17:52:58.731Z",
      "queueEntryTimeStamp": "2019-10-11T17:52:58.749Z",
      "checkoutUserId": "userID",
      "checkoutTimeStamp": "2019-10-16T21:14:04.907Z",
      "alertServiceCount": 1,
      "userServiceTimeStamp": "2019-10-16T21:14:04.907Z",
      "systemServiceTimeStamp": "2019-10-11T17:52:58.812Z",
      "alertStatusId": "ACTIVE",
      "initialAlertingEventId": "AL148",
      "currentAlertingEventId": "AL148",
      "highAlertingEventId": "AL148",
      "queueId": "queue_kyc",
      "lastUpdateNumber": 3,
      "logicalDeleteFlag": false,
      "autoCloseTimeStamp": "2020-02-09T00:00:00.000Z"
Obsidian | Level 7


Thanks for your reply. Surely will try this.


Can I have your email address so that we can discuss it more over it on mail?

SAS Employee

That really won't be helpful in this instance.  I'd say open a tech support track if you are having problems or possible have our professional services group setup an engagement to assist you.  Tech support can be emailed at  Good luck!

Obsidian | Level 7

Sure, thanks for the help.