There's a difference in my mind between a DATA table (such as you were creating in your DATA step program), and ODS output. Typical stored process results are reports and not data tables.
In the Excel/SAS comparison world, a Workbook is the equivalent of 1 SAS library. A SAS library can contain multiple SAS datasets or SAS tables. Within a Workbook, each tab is the rough equivalent of a SAS dataset or table. This is how you read and write data in binary Excel form when you use PROC EXPORT or the SAS Excel LIBNAME engine (without having the BI Platform).
A "report" on the other hand is NOT a SAS dataset. A "report" is a report -- it can be a report composed of multiple "pages" or multiple report tables that would span multiple paper pages, if printed.
In the ODS HTML world, for example, even if I run 10 different procedures within 1 ODS "sandwich" (ODS HTML file=.../ODS HTML CLOSE), if I take ALL the defaults with ODS, all 10 procedure outputs go into 1 HTML file....which would show up in 1 browser screen.
Your stored process results are more like ODS HTML report output -- where 1 stored process can create 1 thing -- 1 sheet in the existing workbook or 1 sheet in a new workbook or new stored process results can be appended to an existing sheet in an existing workbook.
You asked:
However, I still wonder if there's a way to make those tables show up as tabs even when they're not registered.
And my thinking is, it depends on what you mean by TABLES -- do you mean SAS dataset/TABLES or do you mean stored process report output as filtered through ODS. This might be a question for Tech Support, but I believe that fundamentally, you are wanting SP report output to act like dataset tables that are registered in the metadata and since they are not the same thing, they weren't ever coded to act as though they are the same thing. An ODS report is not the same as a dataset. It might be a report -based on- a dataset (such as you get with PROC PRINT). For another example, a dataset created by PROC TABULATE will not have the same (nice and desirable) hierarchical and nested structure as a report output created by ODS and PROC TABULATE (such as you would create with a stored process).