When you use the acronym SSP, you mean SAS Stored Process??
PROC REPORT can produce output with titles and footnotes and page numbers -- but only in paged destinations. So, for example, if you ran your stored process in the information delivery portal and returned HTML results from your stored process, then you would see the titles and footnotes that you used with PROC REPORT, but there would not be any page numbers, because page numbering is not part of the HTML specification. That's why ODS HTML is not considered to be a "paged" destination.
In the same fashion, if your stored process is populating a section in a Web Report Studio report, Web Report Studio has its own interface for printing and I believe that you will see the titles from PROC REPORT - -but not any page numbers, because WRS does its own process to allow you to print your output to a PDF file.
So, when you say you want to send a report to a printer, my question is how your users are going to request that stored process should run??? They will only see page numbers in destinations that support page numbers. There is an ODS PRINTER destination. However, you would need to know the EXACT name of the printer in order to send stored process results directly to a printer. Will you know the EXACT name of the printer for EVERY user of the stored process???
I would recommend that you explore a stored process that creates PDF output -- PDF output is a file format that contains your output -- in a printer-ready or printer-friendly format. Your PDF results from a stored process can have page numbers and titles and footnotes. (So could your RTF results from a stored process.) Client applications that can receive PDF output are: EG, the Information Delivery Portal and the Stored Process Web Application. Client applications that can receive RTF output are: EG, the Information Deliver Portal, the Stored Process Web Application and the SAS Add-in for Microsoft Office/Microsoft Word.
If I run this stored process in SAS Enterprise Guide, I do get a PDF file with 4 pages of output and the page number is in the footnote at the bottom of each page (the default location for the SAS page number is in the upper right hand corner of the PDF output).
When the PDF file is displayed, inside EG, I can use CTRL+P to print or, if I save and then view the file with Adobe Acrobat Reader, I can use the Reader print button to initiate printing.
If your destination of choice is RTF, you can also create an RTF file and return the results to either EG or the SAS Add-in for Microsoft Office using Microsoft Word.
%let _ODSDEST = PDF;
%let _ODSSTYLE = printer;
%let _odsoptions=notoc;
%let _odsstylesheet=;
options orientation=portrait nodate nonumber center;
ods escapechar='^';
proc report data=sashelp.shoes(obs=100) nowd;
title 'This is Title1';
title2 'This is Title2';
footnote 'This is Footnote1';
footnote2 j=l 'Page: ^{thispage}';
column region product sales inventory returns;
define region / order;
define product / order;
define sales / sum;
define inventory / sum;
define returns / sum;
break after region / summarize;
rbreak after / summarize;