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Recognizing some outstanding community members
Community Manager

If you’ve spent any time at all on the SAS Support Communities, you’ve no doubt seen a few names regularly pop up. They offer helpful advice, they encourage and welcome new members, they write informative articles, they tease out the errors in your code…they seem to do it all. We noticed those folks, too, and wanted to find a way to recognize them.


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So back in August 2016, we introduced the Super User program. And then, because we saw a new crop of folks on the horizon, we introduced the Proc Star program. We’re always evolving! And to that end, we have revamped the Super User program:


  • We are no longer setting a limit on the number of Super Users. If we have 9 qualified members, we’ll have 9 Super Users. If we find only 3 or 4, we’ll only have 3 or 4 Super Users. The designation has a lot of pull in the community, and we want to make sure we have the best-of-the-best in the role.
  • The role will also now be a one-year term.


Super Users

Super User.png

This year’s batch of Super Users will run from January 2 - December 31, 2019. I am pleased to introduce your 2019 Super Users:








In 2018, these folks visited the community nearly every day, and viewed more than 279,000 pieces of content. They produced some additional impressive stats:


 Super Users 2018.png



PROC Stars

PROC Star image.jpg

We’ve never had a limit on Proc Stars, and we won’t add one now. Just like Super Users, we will have as many as qualify for the role.

This year’s Proc Stars, whose terms runs the same as the Super Users, are:









The above PROC Stars were also busy in 2018. They viewed almost 75,000 pieces of content, along with these stats:

Proc Stars.png


The selection criteria

I know many of you are wondering how we select Super Users and Proc Stars. Because we’re SAS, we have data on what community members are doing…things like time spent on community, pages viewed, messages posted, likes received, accepted solutions provided…all the good stuff.


It’s not all about the data though!  As a team we review the numbers, and then we discuss what we see happening on the various boards.   Who is most helpful, who sets a nice welcoming tone, who encourages their fellow SAS users, who has ramped up their accepted solutions, and so on.  Then we decide, as a team, who we want to invite into the programs. 


The discussions don’t end there. We meet regularly to discuss the programs, plan events and meetings, and see if any tweaks need to be made to the roster.


Please join us in welcoming and thanking these community members who do so much for the program!



Community Manager

 Congrats and Happy New Year to the inductees!

Meteorite | Level 14

What wonderful SAS Communities news to start 2019. Congratulations to the 2019 Super Users and Proc Star members! Such impressive stats and dedication you volunteer and share with the SAS community.


Kudos to you all. YAY!

















Tourmaline | Level 20

These Super Users sure do fly much higher than the rest of us. Kudos! How do they find the time?