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Barite | Level 11

Is it correct understood that it is not possible to write articles in the new community as it ws possible in the old community?

I wanted to make an improvement on an article I wrote earlier, but I cant find the "edit" button, nor I can find a way to write a new article.

 I only see the  "Post a question" - button.

Community Manager

Hi @JacobSimonsen, We have some changes happening now related to your question. Let me circle back with the team and get you the right answer --thank you for asking we were just talking about this matter.



Community Manager

Hi @JacobSimonsen, as Lainie said we're making some changes here.  For the articles you've created I've promoted you to "Assistant Publisher", which should allow you to make edits.  Give it a try and let us know how it works for you.



SAS Innovate 2025: Call for Content! Submit your proposals before Sept 16. Accepted presenters get amazing perks to attend the conference!
Diamond | Level 26

I am not familiar with "articles" in this forum. This leaves un-answered the question ... how do you find articles so you can read them and comment on them?

Paige Miller
Community Manager

See the latest post from @AnnaBrown:


    How to nominate a discussion for an article topic.


Regarding commenting on articles: that's a capability that we are considering tweaking.  It's best when discussions happen in the discussion forums, and we leave articles as a type of end result -- the fruition of a really useful discussion with useful tips and ideally an accepted solution.

SAS Innovate 2025: Call for Content! Submit your proposals before Sept 16. Accepted presenters get amazing perks to attend the conference!
Barite | Level 11
Before the change of the community in August, it was possible to make a contribution either as a question or as an article or as an idea. Now it seems only possible to contribute with questions.
And it is difficult or impossible to find the articles/ideas.
I see that others also has discussed that.
Barite | Level 11

Hi @ChrisHemedinger,

Still I cant edit my article. It looks as below



And no "edit"-button anywhere else.


But, maybe it not worthwhile to think more about this piece of work. It is too difficult to find it anyway.