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Obsidian | Level 7 is2
Obsidian | Level 7

Hello everyone.

Could you please help me knowing the book on c language for beginners.


Thank you.

Diamond | Level 26 RW9
Diamond | Level 26

Erm, this is a SAS forum not a C forum?  Check out one of the forums associated with C or perhaps Amazon.  Although to be fair, most of the basics are pretty straight forward to learn without needing a book, I have used Csharp a fair bit and never bothered with a book. There is a free Csharp compiler/ide at:

Which is what I use.  

Super User

The "Kernighan-Ritchie" (The C Programming Language) is still the bible on basic C.

But be aware that C is nowadays outdated for anything but UNIX kernel or embedded device programming, where speed and a small footprint are of utmost importance.


Community Manager

Fun fact: most of the SAS functions and procedures that we use are implemented in C.


SAS also has some C++, Java, Lua -- and more assembly language than you might expect.


Client apps are C# (EG and SAS Add-In for MS Office), Java (SAS DI Studio and Enterprise Miner), or HTML5 (SAS Studio).


Speaking as someone who learned C in college and even taught a class in it, I think it's an excellent way to learn computing basics and how programs and OSs work together.  C has strict rules, and if you don't follow them your program won't compile or work correctly at all, so it's good for learning some discipline.

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Super User

You should consider C++ at least..

Diamond | Level 26 RW9
Diamond | Level 26

I would caution against that.  C is the underlying language of C, Csharp, C++, ObjectiveC amongst others.  So learning the simple form of C, before jumping into memory management (or infact other things like GUI's and such like) would be the best start - then branch out into the larger arenas.  You can use CSharp for instanace without knowing anything about pointers and memory management that C++ has to, and still write industry applications.