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Tourmaline | Level 20

I copied back my own code from and pasted it in EG whence it came and tried to run it and I get this:



Why oh why does this web site embed characters that EG dislikes, and which prevent copying and running code as is?

And why doesn't EG remove these pesky characters when the code is pasted there?

Super User

What browser are you using?


Were you able to identify the characters?

Tourmaline | Level 20

IE 11.

No they are invisible. That'd be too easy ...  🙂

Pasting through Notepad doesn't remove them.

They seem to occur near comments or strings or end of lines.

Is it only me?

Super User

IE11 doesn't play well with others so I'd try Chrome. 


I've had this issue as well, but it was the colon character that was being converted. 

It was being rendered as ":" for every single colon. 


Super User

I copied that code back, unsing PaleMoon and EG 4.3 connected to SAS 9.2, and the code ran fine, apart from problems in the first data step and a missing png.

If you use IE11, consider using a web browser instead 😉

Tourmaline | Level 20

I wish.

Sadly most companies have been lapping up Microsoft's propaganda and are stuck with IE ever since IE6 broke all standards.

I also have firefox installed, but its proxy settings are approximative as IT are not interested, and while it works well for most web sites, this website's many SSO connections causes it to lose track and I can only browse using FF.

So you reckon it is IE that inserts garbage?