If i can please get help on this,
we are using sas 9.4 with linux and have "temp" directory as temporary working dir for each node. sometime, we have users running with huge space. i can see some session under /temp dir like,
sas_work0e0e000xxx_....... and
my question is what is best way to know which user is running with that temp sesson when we have lots of users? is there any specific command we can run in putty to get more details about that session? thanks.....
To find the subdirectory tree that consumes the most space in a filesystem, do
du -sk *|sort -nr|head
from the roor of the filesystem.
That will give you the 10 subdirs that eat the most space.
Doing a
ls -ld dirname
on these directories will display the owning user.
If you run into problems with space consumption in shared resources, I recommend to activate the quota system. Single users will then run out of individual space before a show-stopper for everyone happens.
Hello @woo;
We have faced this challenge before,
We used Windows/Linux Environment variable(for windows it is $USERNAME, ), which will give you a name of that user,
We have windows server so let me show you what we did;
And user's temp file will drop in the username's(here user is sasdemo) folder
So after separating user's temp folder, you can easily estimate the folder size and estimate that which user is using highest memory by using ls -lht command in Linux,
Now you are using Linux, so your environment variable for username is USER(for windows it is USERNAME), or maybe different one, so just give the environment variable name according to your Linux OS.
I hope this works for you !!
Excellent question @woo,
for one-time analysis, all the commands that you already received, plus the suggestion tu separate work folders by username, are great and used as best practices.
In case you need a continued analysis/monitoring, you might use the SAS Environment Manager with its extended monitoring (APM/ACM), and there is also a 3rd Party tool, the Enterprise Session Monitor (ESM) by Boemska https://boemskats.com/esm
I am having great experiences with both of those tools.
Thank you all for your contrinution and time...i really like your ideas and thoughts. i have started keeping eye on using command like but it seems we will need to increase temp work space area which 500 gb as of now...may be 5TB or so...
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