Hey there
I added a user to the SAS metadata using the XML Metadata Interface. In the "Add Metadata" tab, I used the following XML:
<Person Desc="" DisplayName="Testuser" IsHidden="0" Name="Testuser Test" Title="Tester"/>
This worked absolutely fine. Now I need to add the user to a group which is already existing in the metadata.
I tried the following in the "Update Metadata" tab:
<Person Id="A5NUQPXO.AP00002V">
<IdentityGroup Id="A5NUQPXO.A500001C" Name="REU" Desc="REU Reporting"/>
This didn't work and it responded with the following error:
com.sas.iom.SASIOMDefs.GenericError: The association from IdentityGroup : A5NUQPXO.A500001C to Person : A5NUQPXO.AP00002V cannot be created.
The association from IdentityGroup : A5NUQPXO.A500001C to Person : A5NUQPXO.AP00002V cannot be created.
The IDs should actually be correct. I used the Metadata browser in the SAS Foundation and copied the IDs from there.
Do you know how I can add a user to a group using the XML Metadata Interface?
Kind regards