I installed extended workspace server UTF-8. Server write logs in UFT-8 with BOM. I try add the options = nobomfile on file appserver_autoexec_usermods.sas, but it doesn't work. I need read logs without BOM.
Does 'I need read logs without BOM.' mean that you want to read the logs of an external file? If so, you can handle it by specifying filename as follows.
filename fn 'filepath' encoding="utf-8" nobom;
If you describe the situation in more detail, you may get other responses.
Does 'I need read logs without BOM.' mean that you want to read the logs of an external file? If so, you can handle it by specifying filename as follows.
filename fn 'filepath' encoding="utf-8" nobom;
If you describe the situation in more detail, you may get other responses.
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