WebServer services not starting with SAS installer id (sas) always we start with root id.
While stopping web services, First stopping the WebApplicationServer services (/opt/sas94/config/Lev1/.sas.servers stop) with SAS id then with ROOT id stopping the WebServer services which is (/opt/sas94/config/Lev1/Web/WebServer/bin/.httpdctl stop).
While starting the web services, First starting the Web Server (./httpdctl start) with ROOT id then WebApplicationServer services (/opt/sas94/config/Lev1/.sas.servers start) with SAS id,
How to fix the this issue by starting and stopping of WebServer services with SAS ID, and why this has happened.
also note that for other environments we could successfully start and stop all the WebServices with SAS ID.
Kindly let me know if you need any other details ?