Yes the endpoint for adding credentials to an authentication domain for a group would be specific to the group so you'd need to do one for SASAdministrators and one for DataBuilders in your example (or make a new group that both SASAdministrators and DataBuilders is a member of and add it to that):
PUT /credentials/domains/{{ domain id}}/groups/{{ group id }}
with a body
"domainId": "{{ domain id }}",
"identityType": "group",
"identityId": "{{ group id }}",
"domainType": "password",
"properties": {
"userId": "ORACLE_TEST"
"secrets": {
"password": "{{ base 64 encoded password }}"
You can use the command "base64" to encode the password, the -n prevents echo from sending a newline character:
$ echo -n "ORACLE_PASS" | base64
Greg Wootton | Principal Systems Technical Support Engineer