Our office is upgrading to Office 2016.
The first user they upgraded started having problem using a libname db xlsx statement.
I get an
error xlsx engine can not be found.
v 9.4 1m3 and v 9.3 Windows 7 32 and 64 bit.
If I install sas on a machine that has already been updated, it works fine.
I think it's has to do with the aceexcl.dll file but not familiar enough.
has anyone else ran into this?
It appears that our support team neglected to install the Microsoft Access Run-Time 2016 components. This resolves the issue.
Thank you all.
I never have seen this issue, not too many people around with Office 2016. But I can share what I know and my guesses.
The System Requirements of the SAS Add-in for Office: http://support.sas.com/documentation/installcenter/en/ikmsofficeintsr/68008/PDF/default/sreq.pdf
It says:
One of the following versions of Microsoft Office is required:
• Microsoft Office 2007
• Microsoft Office 2010 (32-bit or 64-bit)
• Microsoft Office 2013 (32-bit or 64-bit)
• Microsoft Office 2016 (32-bit or 64-bit) (requires SAS Add-In 7.12 for Microsoft Office)
Could you check the version of the SAS Add in on the PC that is working, and in the PC it is not working? Maybe you just need to update the Add-in on the Pc that is not working. At least it is worthy to check the versions.
I Hope this might work, please let us know.
And I thought dll hell was a thing of the past ......
Hahaha, some kudos for you Kurt. 🙂
It appears that our support team neglected to install the Microsoft Access Run-Time 2016 components. This resolves the issue.
Thank you all.
If the 2016 isn't compatible because you had a click to run install. Use of the 2013 ones will work also.
We are planning to upgrade our office analytics to 9.4 so please can you help ,what are the first steps do I need to consider.
@sathya66 wrote:
We are planning to upgrade our office analytics to 9.4 so please can you help ,what are the first steps do I need to consider.
Please post your question in a new thread. This topic is solved.
Similar problem here. Recently upgraded to Office 2016, we use SAS DDE Procedures to 'call' previously created Excel templates, then proceed to update that template with SAS results, close and save. At first, my procedure could not find the 'template', then I dicsovered it had to be defined and associated in the 'PERSONAL' template folder of Office 2016. Did that, started to work. But today, now not working, my SAS procedure sits and spins, unable to locate or open the template.
Yeah, I hadn't even experienced the DDE side of it, but our London Office called with the same problem.
When they used the generic start Excel, the new screen in excel 2016 opening a file caused it to lock.
When they specifiec a specifc spreadsheet they had better luck, but still experience some blips and bumps.
I'll know more after they've played with it more.
did you find the solution for that?
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