I updated the host name of my servers using the Update Host Name References tool in SAS Deployment Manager.
After some manual corrections, everything works.
However, some server components still have the old names in SAS metadata.
Like in SAS Management Console, my Object Spawner is still called "Object Spawner - eom-sascompute1"
although i renamed the hostname to sascompute1.
I changed the name in SMC to sascompute1 but then the spawner doesn't start, giving the error:
Server component not found, servercomponent="omjobj:servercomponent?@name='Object Spawner - eom-sascompute1'"
I looked around in the object spawner's config files but cannot find where eom-sascompute1 is still coming from.
Where is it coming from?
Help is appreciated.
Hi Paul,
It turns out that this is indeed the solution, or actually half of it because after updating SPWNNAME, the Windows Service (yes, this is on Windows) needs to be reinstalled before this change is picked up.
ObjectSpawner.bat stop
ObjectSpawner.bat remove
Change SPWNNAME in ObjectSpawner.bat
ObjectSpawner.bat install
ObjectSpawner.bat start
Hi Bart,
For something like this I recommend that you open a track with SAS Tech Support.
Hi Bart,
Did you see the SPWNNAME environment variable in ObjectSpawner.sh? Does it have the old or new name? I see it is passed to ObjectSpawner via the sasSpawnerCn command line option and wonder if that is used to lookup the object spawner metadata object (or it's connection) by name (as it looks from the query in the error you posted). If the Update Host Name References tool doesn't rename the metadata object then perhaps it doesn't change that environment variable either?
In that case I would grep the file system and search metadata for the old host name and see if there are any remnants. When I want to find something like this I use our Metacoda Metadata Explorer - use the Options button to 1) switch to searching all Model Types and 2) search All Character attributes - then type the old host name in the search field. Just be aware that the method it uses for searching can't look past the first TextPage of long text "V" length metadata attributes.
If that doesn't help resolve it then perhaps SAS Tech Support might be able to assist further.
UNIX example for finding files in a tree:
find /sasconf -type f -exec grep -i old_server_name {} \; -print
/sasconf is your SAS configuration tree, -type f restricts further actions to ordinary files, -exec executes the grep command; -i means "ignore case", so you can write your servername any way you want; the \; ends the -exec action, and if grep finds something, it returns with 0, so the final -print action is also done.
You'll get all lines that contain your servername, followed by the filename for each file where the name is found.
Nice find command. I like how UNIX and Linux, as with SAS, has several different ways of achieving an outcome. When I'm grepping files I often use the following command (which I find slightly easier to remember than the find/exec/grep combo):
grep -FRIis --exclude=*.log hostname /opt/sas94/config/Lev1/ObjectSpawner/
F = fixed strings (not regex)
R = recurse following symbolic links
I = treat binary files as non-matching
i = ignore case
s = ignore nonexistent or unreadable files.
The above also excludes log files which have many instances of host names in them.
I'm so used to find as the basic command for searches because I often add other conditions to the mix (ownership, permissions, modification time) that are not supported by other commands. And I'm some kind of a traditionalist 😉 One task, one tool.
(look for files - find, look into files - grep)
Hi Paul,
It turns out that this is indeed the solution, or actually half of it because after updating SPWNNAME, the Windows Service (yes, this is on Windows) needs to be reinstalled before this change is picked up.
ObjectSpawner.bat stop
ObjectSpawner.bat remove
Change SPWNNAME in ObjectSpawner.bat
ObjectSpawner.bat install
ObjectSpawner.bat start
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