We have windows environment with two machines M1 and M2. On M1 we have installed meta & compute tiers and on M2 we have installed web tier. While installing we have used self signed certificate for web server. Now it was expired, we have raised csr and received a new CA signed certificates ( Root, Intermediate and Server). We have followed below steps to update the new certificates:
- we have imported the Root and Intermediate certificates to windows trusted store on both the machines
- we have stopped the web services and we have imported the Root and Intermediate certificates to CA trusted bundle through SAS Deployment Manager on both the machines
- we have replaced the ServerCertificate and private key at
SAS-config\Levn\Web\WebServer\ssl\ with new ServerCertificate and private key - After this the Web server is not getting started, it is throwing the below error:
Could someone help me on this?
I hope all the steps I have followed are correct, please correct me if the steps are wrong