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Calcite | Level 5

Hello eveyone! I don't know where to locate this post, hope u will help me anyway...

I have some trouble in installing sas 9.4. When I run sas deployment wizard,  no prompt or splash screen appears. so i check on your website and find this post i check on my log file and there's a message like that 

Error occurred during initialization of VM Could not reserve enough space for object heap Could not create the Java virtual machine.

i follow the steps explained in that link but doesn't work. anyone had an idea how to to fix it?

[windows 64 bit]

Obsidian | Level 7



The SAS note is very speficic to this error, which is caused by Java demanding more memory than is available. What is your machine spec? (paritularly how much RAM? and what version of Windows are you running?) Also, what else is running at the time?


I recommend closing any other applications you have open, check through the steps in note 40012 again, and try running setup again. If you still get that error it means you still don't have enought free memory. Check your system against the minimum requirements


Note that this talks about RAM *available to SAS* (i.e when it says "2GB available" it means 2GB *free* NOT 2GB *total*)


If none of that gets you working and your machine meets the required spec then this should probably be referred to SAS Tech Support so that they can take you through more diagnostics



Steve M.

Barite | Level 11

There is a lot of memory needed by SAS and you machine should offer those. When running in a limited environment as offered by virtualization like VM or Cirtrix it is not rare having to little of those. Are you in a VM?

The java-process is also a VM. The mentioned note is about rasing the memory to the jvm.   Yes it is a matruska approach.    

---->-- ja karman --<-----
Calcite | Level 5

Windows 8. I had a RAM 4G, now i extend to 8 G. the problem is still here. i attach the log file produced during running of deployment wizard. Anyway i follow the steps in the link. in my deploywiz.ini file, what parameter should i change? because i had several of launcherargs and also before the Xmx1024 i see somthing like XmaxPermSize: 512M. what's that? i attach u a screen, hope it ll be helpful

sas error.JPGsas error ini file.JPG
Barite | Level 11

You didn't  change to 1025 to 512 (lowering) as suggested?  There is something continous memeory as needed to be delivered.

It is a sdw for a legal Windows SAS versie as seen in the log. You shuld get some free support in that case form the SAS techsup

---->-- ja karman --<-----

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