We are connecting to SAP SQL anywhere database from SAS to read data.
We can create the connection through libname statement.
LIBNAME test ODBC READBUFF=1000 USER=xxxxxxx PASSWORD=xxxxxxxxx DATAsrc=Ticketmaster SCHEMA=dba ;
We can see tables in the library. However when I try to open the table it opens as a blank table.
But I know there is data in that table.
What am I missing?
What happens if you try to read from a data set? Do you get an error?
data want;
set test.DATASETNAME (obs=100);
@sid3284 wrote:
We are connecting to SAP SQL anywhere database from SAS to read data.
We can create the connection through libname statement.
LIBNAME test ODBC READBUFF=1000 USER=xxxxxxx PASSWORD=xxxxxxxxx DATAsrc=Ticketmaster SCHEMA=dba ;
We can see tables in the library. However when I try to open the table it opens as a blank table.
But I know there is data in that table.
What am I missing?
I dont get an error. But I dont see any data.
26 data want;
27 set test.tc_api_sas_manifest_Seat_export (obs=100);
29 run;
NOTE: There were 0 observations read from the data set TEST.tc_api_sas_manifest_Seat_export.
NOTE: The data set WORK.WANT has 0 observations and 74 variables.
NOTE: DATA statement used (Total process time):
real time 0.28 seconds
cpu time 0.08 seconds
Did you setup a ODBC connection that defines your source?
yes. Below is the odbc.ini entry.
Description=SQL Anywhere 17
And below is the odbcinst.ini entry.
Driver = /sas/sqlanywhere17/install/lib64/libdbodbc17.so
Setup = /sas/sqlanywhere17/install/lib64/libdbodbc17.so
And below is the LD_LIBRARY_PATH entry.
export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=/usr/lib64/:/sas/sashome/SASODBCDriversfortheWebInfrastructurePlatformDataServer/9.4/Driver/:$ODBCHOME/lib64/:/sas/sqlanywhere17/install/lib64:/sas/sashome/SASFoundation/9.4/sasexe/:/sas/sashome/SASPrivateJavaRuntimeEnvironment/9.4/jre/lib/amd64/server/:/sas/sqlanywhere17/install/lib64/
I suggest you track this to SAS Tech Support if you haven't already done so. They are in the best position to diagnose what is going on here.
I don't know anything about ANYWHERE, but in other database systems that is usually a symptom of not having the right permissions to read the data.
If I was in your shoes I'd have a look at the API trace that can be generated with sastrace. You might try use the same ODBC driver in another application (e.g. isql from unixODBC).
Thanks all. Turns out that we were connecting to another database server. We connected to the correct database and we can see the data.
@sid3284 - In that case please update your post as answered.
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